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Adolf Sheekster

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Everything posted by Adolf Sheekster

  1. As of Wednesday, 953 hours. I also deleted a lvl27 Hunter 'after' The Dark Below dropped..So i'm sure i'm over the 1k mark..Still counting! F@cking love this game still..
  2. Ha...holy! I just noticed my psn on there...lol. Neat. Funny thing is, when i first became aware of this particular lfg page, i went to check it out, and inputted my info...and that's it! i've never been back to the site to follow up on anything. So my psn must be sitting in there just constantly matchmaking lol. I'm still using the other (original) lfg site.
  3. It definitely has it's share of aholes on there..but i've met some great players too. i'd say the ratio from aholes to aces is about 5%aholes to 95% cool people..
  4. Gold spiral, or million million are pretty fancy on a Warlock wearing Voidfang...But gold spiral ftw.
  5. Anyone else dreading the day that Fatebringer becomes left in the dust? I've finally been able to attain one for each of my guardians, and feel as if my time with them is limited. I just hope that either (a) they increase the VOG difficulty level, and drop one buffed to current stats, or ( have a replacement one in an upcoming DLC (under a different name) with a burn, and the same perks...
  6. I has become very apparent to me that Bungie 'DO NOT' listen to gamers. I mean seriously, how hard would it be to increase vault space!? Yet you nerf all the good weapons, both VOG and Crota raids are 'still' full of glitches, and as you mentioned, WHERE THE F@CK IS QUEEN'S WRATH!?!?
  7. You think this is just from one guy? If so, it would be like finding a needle in a stack of needles! Regardless, he's/they're a total dick/s for doing this... I just hope we can be on by tonight...
  8. I mean, these Lizard squad guys even said they'd attack today!!
  9. I don't mind the idea, but in the dawn of all these recent ddos attacks, it's REALLY proving to be a total fail... Have an 'offline' option, or at the very least, have preventative measures set against ddos attacks for f@ck sakes! Kind of disconcerting that these companies are so vulnerable with possession of our CC information.
  10. I for one, will always be into a vog whenever i can..even if it's just to help someone else out. One of the funnest video game maps i've ever experienced!
  11. Here's the thing JOwl, You're not 'really' losing anything you've worked for because the new gear starts you off from pretty much where you've left off. Yes, it's a bit of a slap in the face that a player like me, who never got a chance to get all my raid gear, to just purchase the gear i need to level up. If your VOG raid gear was strong enough to blast through the new raid, then you'd be left there waiting for more. I for one think that everything that is going on just Contributes to the longevity of the game. I can't say i understand where you're coming from, because I've only done the VOG a handful of times, but I'm sure it's not all for naught. There are still weapons to be had, shards that can easily be collected, and just an all around good time with a bunch of likeminded people. Don't go man...This game will evolve. Last night, i finally got lucky and acquired my long sought after Vex Mythoclast...I woke up this morning hoping it wasn't just a dream lol..Kinda sad that getting this 'virtual weapon' pretty much superceeds almost all of my material possessions i own though, But it's mine now...i will kill lots of things with it
  12. How do you post videos on the thread? As opposed to just a link...
  13. Umm, i thought i read somewhere that 'if' you have any exotic bounties, to not bother doing them. Apparently if you have the bounty, you can acquire the weapon straight out post DLC...Something like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhGL9oY9Sjs
  14. I'm in the Crucible every day baby! Count me in!...
  15. Will people still play the VOG? In the past 48hrs, I've gotten to experience the VOG in it's entirety, twice, on normal. I've done bits and pieces before that, but man, what a f@cking awesome experience. I'm old enough to say that i was there right from the 'mid-early' days of Atari, to my PS4, and everything in between.(Altered Beast is still one of my all time faves ), but this is probably the best video game I've ever played! I know you 30 guys who've done vog a hundred times are itching to move on...I'm pretty envious of all your prizes, but you've grinded the sh!t out of this game to get them, so you deserve it. I, personally, got into all of this kind of late, so I'm hoping to catch up with all my new clan members on these new raids. Anyways, the point of the thread is that now, any of us that haven't reached light level 30, will be able to do so without grinding VOG, through Eris' various bounty's/missions. Makes me wonder if the VOG will be abandoned.. What do you all think?
  16. Well, just to clarify, i'm not 'AT' Atheon, i'm at the vault of glass entrance...so from the point we need to start taking out the gate keeper etc.
  17. I just found that i have an Atheon checkpoint saved from last night's attempted raid...I was booted from the server, and when i got back on, it must have saved my checkpoint...sweet! Let's get 'er done!
  18. Really friggin bummed that i missed out on the VOG you guys were doing when i logged in..
  19. Went in last night with a group in which 'no one' knew what was going on for the last part..It was fun as hell, but didn't finish it. I really want to go all the way this time. Would love to go on Hard mode so i can maybe acquire a Vex, but if we're not strong enough 'armour wise', the Normal mode will do. It's Saturday night, and it'll be fun, so let's do this! Add me: Sheekster77 PS4 Users only.. lvl 29.5 Warlock/full sub classes/Ice Breaker Cheers
  20. Right on! Sheekster 77..I live in Ontario, Canada, so EST.. I will be on after 5:00pm today.
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