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Everything posted by Megan

  1. Nice! I like the second one a lot, actually.
  2. Saw it yesterday, and I liked it! (which is saying something, because I make an effort to not like Tom Cruise movies ) The focused a lot on the actual 'alien takeover' aspect of the movie, which was a nice surprise.
  3. Wow. Not buying it anymore.
  4. I think for some people it also has to do what mood they're in. If I'm in the mood to watch a movie or a read a book, then I'd probably be in the mood to play a story driven game. But if I've had a long day, I usually would rather play something that doesn't require a lot of thinking or attachment. But when it comes down to it, games that are heavily story driven tend to make my favorites list.
  5. Today, I'm going to share one of my favorite games of all time with you guys. It's called OFF. It's a free-to-play adventure RPG that was originally made in French. You control a character known only as "The Batter," who is on an important mission to purify the land he lives in. You know nothing about him or the land, and as you go through the game, getting help from a cat called "The Judge" and a man named Zacharie, finding out more about your surroundings and The Batter only works to skew your perception. It's definitely the most surreal game I've played, and even though it was insanely difficult for me (I'm terrible at puzzles - and this game has a lot of puzzles), I really love it. It's got an awesome story, awesome characters, and awesome music. Download link and instructions here.
  6. But...ghost pirates, man. Pirates. That are GHOSTS. too bad it's CoD
  7. I'm not sure if everyone's caught wind of this game yet, but my brother's been talking about it nonstop. It's a survival-horror game still in it's alpha (public alpha was just released a few days ago). Here's from their website: It's on steam right now for $14.99. My brother certainly likes the game, and apparently multiplayer and saved games are their top priority.
  8. The concept piqued my interest for sure, I just wish Tom Cruise wasn't in it.
  9. Awesome! Though if I saw something like that in person, I'd probably crap my pants, haha.
  10. See, there IS a problem with PC. You always have too many games Like, it doesn't matter if there's 6 games I haven't played yet, steam can't be selling games for five bucks. Because then I'll 7 games I haven't played yet.
  11. Wow, I wasn't even aware that they banned an episode. It was around the time of the bombings though, right? All kinds of shows were getting pulled and rearranged during that time. Diddums - the show isn't as fucked up in the second season (at least gore-wise, it's still pretty fucked up in every other way). I may just have gotten used to it though. And about the finale:
  12. Yeah! It's probably one of my favorite shows, ever. How'd you guys feel about the finale?
  13. Yeah I read that Rodger was a big MRA, which isn't particularly surprising. The biggest issue I have with the men's rights movement is that they don't organize marches, they don't raise funding to help men, and they don't do anything outside of complaining on internet about how hard it is to be a man in this world. It's more a movement against women than it is a movement for men. I'm not really pointing a finger at them in this instance, but I can guarantee that Rodger's circle of MRA friends did nothing to discourage him from cursing women for his inability to get laid. And @ deterioration - Whether misogyny or just general youth mentality is to blame, hopefully something will be done. Also, here are some comments from his video, just to show how lovely people can be.
  14. That's some crazy shit! The idea of being drained of all my blood and having it replaced with something else is kind of freaky to imagine, but it sounds like they're on their way to saving a lot of lives. Also, "suspended animation" sounds a lot more friendly than "emergency preservation and resuscitation" in my book. But that may just be me.
  15. I saw your "some," Diamond, don't worry. Elliot Rodger is confirmed to have been previously diagnosed with aspergers, which is not linked to violence, and nothing else. (So far, at least - I'm not ruling out that there may have been something else wrong with him). My response was more geared toward everyone that jumped on the fact that he had a mental illness, and are disregarding everything else involved.
  16. Wow! Kudos to the tree, it seems to be standing pretty tall despite the gaping hole in its trunk
  17. Suggesting that he killed 6 people because of his (possible) mental illness also perpetuates stereotypes surrounding mental health. People with mental illnesses are more likely to victims of crime, not perpetrators. If you label a killer as "mentally ill" and fail to address any other factors involved, the killer is no longer held responsible for his actions. He is provided with a perfect scapegoat, and it propagates the idea that mentally ill people are dangerous. Also, out of all the articles I read about this, plenty of them were quick to mention mental illness, yet few of them even touched on that this kid felt so entitled to women that he killed people. I don't know about you guys, but this is quote doesn't sound unfamiliar to me at all. I hear boys whining about girls not giving them the time of day, even though they're a 'nice guy,' and how girls 'only go for douche bags.' This kind of thinking is rampant, and its dangerous. I mean, just last month a girl got stabbed for turning down a kid to prom. I wonder how many of these incidents need to happen before people realize that something is wrong.
  18. The only movie I've seen out of that series is Silence of the Lambs. The show focuses on Will Graham, and I haven't seen the movie that his character shows up in, so I can't tell you how similar they are. The show is a lot more freaky than the movie that I've seen, though. Here's a trailer for the first season:
  19. Damn, now I want a CoD game with dragons. Can you imagine?
  20. I watched the season 2 finale tonight, and holy shit. Does anyone watch this show? It's pretty messed up, and any given scene is unsettling at best, but I love it.
  21. I'll be going to see this one, but I laughed outright when I saw that Chris Pratt's going to be the star of a Marvel movie. It just seems...wrong. I don't see this movie doing to well, either. But who knows.
  22. I loved the movie! Granted, my expectations weren't particularly high, because my only prior exposure to Godzilla had been the first 20 minutes of Jack Black's back story. I had to turn the movie off after that. I didn't feel any connection to the main character in the new film, but that may just be me. Other than that, I really liked it.
  23. Kind of late to this thread, but I enjoyed Supernatural for a time. I liked the first few seasons, its a good show, and Castiel's been my favorite character since he was introduced. But, I haven't watched it in a while. During the season about the leviathans I kind of checked out, and I stopped watching the show when I realized that I was just playing it as background noise instead of actually watching it. I'm guessing the bit about the leviathans has been resolved, right? Could I get by if I just skip to where that arc ends?
  24. Unfortunately I will never be as hilarious as sekcbaby, but at least I won't be abandoning babies outside of my doomsday cave. I'll always have that.
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