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Oskari Ollila

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Everything posted by Oskari Ollila

  1. Really liked the expansion. I don't know whether I should ask this here or somewhere else so mods feel free to guide me. Since I reached thr Dreaming City I have felt super confused where to continue the grind to up my power lvl or where to find more powerful gear. Like I feel that my power lvl isn't high enough to go to the blind well or join the end game activities. One could also say I'm stuck. Any advice what should I look into? Via the FG App
  2. Thank you for the warm welcomes, gents! Feels like home already. [emoji41] Via the FG App
  3. Hello ladies and gents, my name is Cathalyte. I mean Oskari. I mean Odie. A long time ago I joined a clan called Blood for Blood that has now evolved to a community called Forever Gaming. To an adolescent studying english as a second language meant this was a great opportunity to develop and hone both written and spoken skills. Good old times, sessions of Black Ops 1 and Battlefield, lots of shenanigans and an equal amount of support and nice conversations with clan mates! Got an invite from brother across the pond to join FG on D2 (Hey Mike <3) Trying to make an active return to those times and having friends to grind on Destiny 2 and some banter along the way. So, a little bit about me. I'm a finnish dude, 26 years old. Graduated as a bachelor or sports last December and got a job as a lifeguard/ swimming instructor/ sports instructor right before graduating. I used to play Dota 2 over the years of studying and the first year ar work (over 5000 hours) but quite frankly, playing solo has become almost the same as trying to teach kindergartens to swim and that's not my cup of tea after a long day at work. I'm really looking forward to joining you on a Destiny 2 session and conversations on this forum. I'm a bit of a noob what it comes to raids and what have you so don't be afraid to steer me into right direction! Much love and stay strong! Best wishes, Odie.
  4. Mm, I like the fresh scent of money thrown and flushed down the drain. (I know, my own bloody mistake but still it stings.)
  5. I guess I should try playing SP. Haven't touched the game since the launch day and Ive made a decision not to buy a anything on launch ever again. *One personal tear.* Is it even possible to refund a game that I've already linked to my Steam account?
  6. I've done a lot of tweaking and digging around and the thing is.. that I died a bit on the inside when I realised that it's not going to work. Not for a good while. *Sniff*
  7. It costs around 2400RP to change a bloody server. I guess I can blame only myself for this, I believe there was an option to choose on which server I'd like to create my summoner profile. I reckoned the servers could be changed but had no idea I'd have to pay for it.
  8. Hmmh. I wonder if it is even possible to change the server without creating a new profile on US servers?
  9. I went ahead and watched some YouTube videos, paid 2.5 Euros to get some RP, purchased Lux.. That's the least amount of money I've spent on a game to unlock something and make me happy.
  10. Thanks for the tips gentlemen, I've learnt a lot from here reading your stuff! Yup, Cathalyte. Good to be here! Nope, I know I should've but I guess it's too late. :S I played with Lissandra and got frustrated most of the time because her spell range was pretty short compared to Annie's. Got destroyed by her too many times when she used her ultimate on me and stunned me at the same time.
  11. I tried to add you but it kept saying user couldn't be found. I'll give it another try when I come back home. Alright, I need to play with those 10 free champions as of now since I only have 800+ RP at the moment (I've only played two games with ppl against AI.)
  12. I was hooked! I think it was BO7H_BARRELS and Jordie IIRC who told me to try it out and I'm glad I did. Tried a few of the champions and I'm feeling like Ranged/ Mage would be the suitable for me since I played quite a bit Guild Wars back in the day and Nuking/ maging was my thing. Any suggestions champion wise to start trying/ unlocking as I'm starting out?
  13. I actually like these Prestige emblems. They're clean and I like how they change a tad fancier every time you prestige but still have that look of the previous one. They look very simple and "dull" but to be honest, I still personally prefer these over e.g. Black Ops 2 Prestige emblems.
  14. Laughed my ass off, priceless! A few years ago, I went on a trip to Edinburgh with my friend. I loved that place and the people in there, definitely going back some day!
  15. Welcome buddy, hope you enjoy being here! EDIT: So, Dylan's being trained to become someone maintaining/ moderating the server?
  16. Alright, reckoned it'd be that way. Admin power ftw, giving people what they've lost would seem to be a little less painful job to do.
  17. Would the back up mean the server and the players would enter a state somewhere in the past with equipment/ buildings existing in that specific moment?
  18. Yeah, I was online, was just starting my stuff since I haven't gotten enough time to push a proper start where you collect enough resources/ make tools. No worries, though, had collected a bit wheat and wood and that's it!
  19. Haha, daymn! Well, another week or so to plan something more hardcore, I guess.
  20. I've always been a huge fan of semi-auto weapons ever since CoD4's G3 and M14. Thus, I'm thinking playing with conventional setup but utilising only the marksman rifles as primary weapons. Any good or is it just pussyin' around since I got all the other stuff on my disposal?
  21. Alright, I understand.
  22. I personally would like to play on 1.7.2 but I'm willing to move back to 1.6.4 stuff if the majority wants it to be that way. There's already a lot of work behind the 1.6.4 that's already been done once for a server that ran smoothly -> More enjoyable to setup and play? Also, I hate it when the problem isn't with the game or its coding but with some absolute imbesil who broke the trust withing the server. I visited the server last night and had a chatter with Cal and Harrison and was quite surprised by what had happened. Is there any chance of observing who has been on server on certain hour of the day?
  23. Regular, Vanilla, all the basic stuff. It's always easier to start building on top of that than stripping stuff that doesn't necessarily work or kills lower level pc's.
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