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  1. I was trying to put it nicely Most people my age probably wouldn't listen to what I listen too. It's not heavy metal or anything but definitely no one direction or dance rubbish I have no idea what that song you mentioned even is, definitely won't be pop by my standards anyway, haha.
  2. Just popping in because I need songs too. Just going to pinch some suggestions My suggestions are probably unsuitable as I just general listen to any music I like the sound of, plus they might be a bit too screamy in some cases Everyone you have so far seems easy listening is comparison. I like this but it might be a little slow: OR
  3. Right, I'll give it a go at the weekend. I was looking it up on a few of the PC forums and kept seeing horror stories from people where their PSU sparked and smoked. I had a nightmare trying to install the CPU fan (hyper 212 evo). I put a bit too much thermal paste on (or so I thought), I was told to let the pressure from the fan installation spread the paste so just did a slightly oversized pea in the middle. I then totally cocked up putting the fan on, I didn't realise a notch wasn't sitting in the hole for the 1150 board and I was told it would require pressure so didn't think too much of it. Anyway, after a week of worrying I took the fan off, cleared up the thermal paste which got on the cpu clamp after I twitched I think I have it fitted properly this time with less thermal gunk all over the place. But that is mostly what scared me from turning it on for so long. Also had a bad time trying to line up the damn motherboard properly too. Felt like I was messing everything up. I was sweating like mad. Kind of regret not just buying one from PCSpecialist or something now, at least if it messes up I could send it back. Assuming the PC works fine, I'll go ahead and buy windows to install onto it. Just wanted to make sure it booted first before I spent £80 on the OS.
  4. Righto. I built myself a PC last year...yep, finished it up in September but I was too scared to turn it on. Now, I'm at that point I'm wishing I had a working gaming PC and I'm considering just plugging the damn thing in and hoping for the best. - What I'm wondering is, what are the key things to look out for when booting it up for the first time? I don't have Windows to load up (tried to save a few pennies just in case it blew up) - What are the odds on something blowing/burning etc? - Can someone fucking hold me? Never been so nervous to do something in my life. Keep stopping myself from just turning it on out of pure fear of it blowing all of the components up. Oh, and if it does happen to work, I have the PSU facing down and the tower is sat on the carpet. Not ideal but I guess that's okay? People must have done it for years, no...? Thank you to any poor soul who helps me. Not worded it clearly at all.
  5. Need to hop on the PS4 some time in the future. Can never find the time with everything and feeling ill. Seems like a lot of people have jumped over in the past month.
  6. Gutted I wasn't on here on Tuesday night to rub the 2-1 in Rich's face Can I just say, sick of United fans moaning about a few things going against them. I know as a fan of a club, you tend to ignore these things but EVERY fucking thing went towards you the whole time SAF was in charge. Hell, you even had 7 minutes added on against us Tuesday because you were attacking. Just a niggle. Moyes comments made me laugh but my god they're annoying, referees have been up United's arses for AGES! About time it changed. Oh, apparently that was the first penalty against Man U for 70+ games...
  7. People say PC gaming will cost you less over time, I feel I'd just be more tempted to buy a load of shit I won't ever play I guess that is what steam is all about though.
  8. Hm, yes. I remember when I first started playing, they seemed to be all over the place. People either had a dog or a disco ball chasing them around.
  9. If you buy me a PC I'll join you Then I'll kill you and steal your supplies , mwaahaha.
  10. Are they the terrifying spinny ball things? I've been playing hardcore (thanks to Sean, Tam and Mikey) and I called one in, totally forgot about it then saw something moving above my head. I immediately panicked, stared shooting around me and knifing and then realised it was what I called in. No one saw me, so I kept my stupidity secret until now... Damn things scare me all the time though, one somehow trapped me in a doorway and I thought it was human controlled.
  11. I assume that this will be like Arma 3, the Beta will be £30 and the full game £40?
  12. No shame to lose to us. If we didn't get screwed over by referees all the time we'd be far up the table. Good game though, definitely wasn't expecting to win after 85 minutes!
  13. It's on the PS4 but the store is down, surprise...
  14. How many Christmas noobs will be joining?
  15. I'm on the PS4, bud! I'm waiting on the rest of you...
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