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  • First Console
    Mega Drive / Genesis

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  1. i was thinking about buying this game would you recommend cause i absolutely loved the first one
  2. Here ill put in a small summary for you Let's copy over watch one paste it with a 2 and tell everyone it's free so our hame doesn't die oh and also and new characters so they think it's a new game also change all night maps to day day maps to night and make some sort of purchasable currency for all the skins.
  3. Ajay

    Kings fall run

    Well that also works for me so that's fine
  4. Ajay

    Kings fall run

    Alright I guess we'll go with that works for me
  5. Ajay

    Kings fall run

    What time you guys looking for @Venom @Baabcat
  6. Ajay

    Kings fall run

    Kings fall run cause why not and I've put it as an all day event cause I don't know what time people will be able to do and if anyone can do it at all seem as its quite a short notice
  7. I have only done 1 vow so far and would like to do another one just wondering if 5 wonderful people would be down to help me do another
  8. I'll join for a non modded server
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 44 seconds  
    im so annoyed i couldnt make it because my ps5 is broken missed about 5 nights because of it but luckily solution shouldnt be too long and i can get back on the pitch🤣
  10. Ajay

    Dream Car <3

    daammmn clicked thinking we finally had a car thread but robots having a party lmao
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 124 seconds  
  12. Sadly won't be able to join tonight cause I do not have my headset so will have to wait until next monday
  13. Now the date has been released and it should be an OK time for me I'm down to do day 1 maybe day 2
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