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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. The official MLP:FIM comic book series. I hesitantly started reading them on Imgur (thinking that it would be a cheap cash-in and that it was a stretch that it would be as good as the show ), and holy sh*t was it great. The characters act true to themselves, it has a healthy dose of humor and action in epic quest arcs, its drawing style is visually-appealing, and the references are double-take causing (Blues Brothers and Pennywise the Clown?! ). It almost feels like it was made by fans FOR fans. It certainly paints the world in a darker light (one page has a fan-favorite villain returning and eating a kitten, complete with a very unexpected bloodsplatter), but it still retains the innocence that has made the show the pop-culture phenomenon it is today. Expectation: 2/10 Outcome: 10/10
  2. You couldve just posted this in Random Pics... But I 'spose we can turn this into a topic. I usually played with my brother or whichever member of the nuclear family we lived with happened to be the youngest. Me and my brother were quite a pair: he prefered agility and magic, while I always opted for strong and bulky. Always been like that, and always will be. I also used to play co-op games with my mom's BF, which got me fixated with owning an Xbox 360. /Im 5, 8, 11 and 13. xD
  3. Permanent or electric? Coated in chocolate.
  4. Ah, good to see you made it. --- My guess is that our sentiment towards soccer is the same for them towards football. Soccer. SOCCER. SOCCER.
  5. But what is considered "fresh" these days? We've pretty much done everything there is to be done (and THEN some). No, at least until a new generation takes the reins, I fear we're stuck with the SSDD that panders to the same group of people (and maybe not even then).
  6. Wait..there are 2 Sleepy Hollows? One FOX and one CW? Which one is the one where Ichabod Crane is a badass Revolutionary War soldier who wakes up in modern times ("Im from the past! Isnt that weird?!") and has to find a way to stop the headless ghost of a gun-wielding British general whom he killed?
  7. How many randoms have you met that run UAVs and/or dont suck enough a$$ to get 3 kills without dying? xD
  8. What got me into BF:BC1 (and by association, Battlefield in general) was Gold Rush.What an exciting premise! What face-paced action! Nail-biting tension! With Conquest, you can always tell when the match is FUBAR, but in Rush, last minute bomb plants are a commonplace and tides can be turned with one good push. They also make better use of a large map, like you implied in the OP.
  9. Rep for the first guy to post one in an absurd situation.
  10. Ha! Yes! A play on words! I am entertained!
  11. Conquest?! I play BF for Rush! If I wanted to play 3-flag-keepaway, I'd play DOM on CoD. asdfasdfasdfas.... Seriously, in my time with BF3, no one played Rush. What's up with that?
  12. Mmm...sounds interesting! Let's hope they follow his Year One exploits. I've always liked Gordon, lets see if they treat him with the respect he deserves. Any word on who'll be wearing Jim's epic mustache? I rather liked the guy who played him in the Nolanverse.
  13. When I was 13 or 14. Me, my dad, and my uncles (all 6 of them, plus their sons) were out on an annual off-roading trip through the Sonoran desert to reach this emotionally-significant hotel on the beach in the Gulf of Mexico (the same hotel that nabbed me a paralyzing fear of the ocean long ago). Dont ask me the reason WHY its emotionally-significant, they never tell the young'uns. xD Well, on the return trip home, my dad let me drive on this long strech of flat land. He was drunk, however, and kept yelling "STAY ON THE ROAD CABRON SPEED UP". He reached over and tried to show me correct hands-on-the-wheel placement while going 80mph in a Blazer truck and we veered of the road towards a miniture dune that, at this speed, sent us flying through the air. Like seriously, 5 seconds of hang time. We landed violently and broke the muffler, but were unharmed. We just sat there quietly until I started up the car and got back on the road. Good memories. I've never driven since.
  14. Arrow and Supernatural for sure, if I manage to nab a digital antenna box by then. Sleepy Hollow looks major-league stupid! The entire trailer a while ago left me groaning the entire way. What a premise, CW! >.> What else are they gonna try to put through the edgy filter, Fraggle Rock?
  15. I'm positive you hadnt noticed that I typed "Bread's" instead of "Brede's". Now you looked at the post to make sure. Mindfreak!
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