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Everything posted by Palle

  1. Finally. I hope we'll get payed enough per heist and don't need to wait too long before you can join a new one. If not, I'll happily take advantage of any glitches that people might find
  2. Sounds like it could be the PSU. http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/275546-29-high-frequency-buzzing-whining-noise-background
  3. I don't get it... 10 WAYS TO FIGHT YOUR MONKEY BANANAS HATE HIM, FIND OUT WHY Am I doing this right?
  4. Top 5? Damn, this really makes my brains hurt... A lot. These are some of the first I could think of and I can't put them in any specific order. I would have to listen to so many of the songs I've heard again to really make a decision... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiK2rs7Vvjk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiBF_hJ3sSE
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAwyv5d2vKc
  6. Context: http://forums.outdoorsdirectory.com/showthread.php/106134-Be-very-careful-with-arrow-length!-%28graphic-%29
  7. I honestly wish for nothing but good company, good laughs and happiness... I don't expect any special gifts at all and it's fine if I don't get any.
  8. So does Paulo Gilberto
  9. A bit late I see... Still want to recommend Makita tools though, really like their quality. http://www.makitatools.com/en-us/Modules/Tools/Cordless/Default.aspx
  10. Oops, wrong gif... Anyway... http://eyebleach.com (nsfw)
  11. Ok, so now I'm not interested in getting this game anymore... That shit sucks.
  12. Damn, I've missed Skyrim... These mods look amazing! Currently saving up for a gaming PC, can't wait to try this out...
  13. Haven't been around for a while but... Merry Christmas everyone!
  14. This is why I listen to The Division Bell... Have you heard the studio version of this solo? I much prefer it over any other version... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdJzPoessbQ
  15. I know what you mean. People often describe The Division Bell as "fluffy" because of the change in mood from the earlier albums. It's has a very typical 80´s pop/rock sound that's just not Pink Floyd. I first listened to the whole album earlier this year and I remember thinking how ridiculous I thought it was. But I still kinda liked it, mostly because of the guitar solos and stuff like that. I've grown pretty tired of listening to Pink Floyd the last couple of years though because it mostly just makes me feel melancholic.
  16. I absolutely love Pink Floyd, except the Syd Barrett era... Just too odd for my taste. You don't like the "Division Bell" album? I really like one half of it but the other is pretty uninteresting... Some of my absolute favorites are "Marooned", "Poles Apart", "Coming Back To Life" and "Lost For Words". Also "High Hopes"... Perhaps not the best album but in my opinion the best sounding aside from "The Wall".
  17. Don't know much about Sony MP3 players and their functions. I've heard that sound quality is not very good. Most of the people who dislike are into audiophile stuff though... Is your nephew a casual listener or picky about sound quality? If sound matters, I suggest checking out Cowon and FiiO. Both brands have good reputation for their sound quality and they don't cost too much http://www.head-fi.org/products/fiio-x1-ultraportable-hi-res-dap http://www.cowonglobal.com
  18. Also, some good input on how the scene was filmed and nothing in it makes sense...
  19. So that's were Spectre went!
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