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Jalen May_Zombie_Slaya79

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Posts posted by Jalen May_Zombie_Slaya79

  1. Hey guys this is one of the best games I've ever played, if anyone has it and wants to play through just let me know and we can have an awesome co-op run through! I suggest looking it up and checking it out, Divinty original sin 2 just came out for PC and looks amazing but I'm just waiting for the PS4 release date 

  2. Ok I figured it out, so let me tell you alittle but about me, I'm currently in highschool. I've wrestled since I was 3 so if I talk about wrestling a lot that is why😂. I also love to do crossfit which Is like just insane workouts. I really love almost all games, electronic or just sports in genera. I love RPGs so if you ever want to play like Divinity original sin just let me know because I love playing games cooperatively. 

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