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    Misneach_ got a reaction from Riff Machine in Watchmen — One of the greatest superhero films of all time?   
    Honestly, I have never watched it & was told without reading the comics that I wouldn’t enjoy it.
  2. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Watchmen — One of the greatest superhero films of all time?   
    Honestly, I have never watched it & was told without reading the comics that I wouldn’t enjoy it.
  3. Thanks
    Misneach_ got a reaction from James in Watchmen — One of the greatest superhero films of all time?   
    Honestly, I have never watched it & was told without reading the comics that I wouldn’t enjoy it.
  4. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in New Quiz Available! Playstation Quiz   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 30/100 My Time 89 seconds  
  5. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in New Quiz Available! Playstation Quiz   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 10/100 My Time 59 seconds  
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    Misneach_ got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    Sorry, yes. The server is still active. I don’t know how often people are jumping on any more.
  7. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in FG Plays FTB Academy   
    I’ll definitely be hoping on to try it out @LordBaguette  you and @Mikepjbell  need to get this installed and get on it. It works off the old Java version.
  8. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    Sorry, yes. The server is still active. I don’t know how often people are jumping on any more.
  9. Like
    Misneach_ reacted to GazzaGarratt in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    I've got to check to be honest. Annoyingly, a lot of us couldn't get on after one of the later updates to Minecraft on PSN. Strange because PC wise some people could get on still. We've got a huge communal place we've built and it would've been ace to link it all together somehow. I'll check over the next few days but feel free to see if you can use the Friend Code that @Misneach_  posted early in this thread.
  10. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    Done @Stretch616
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    for anyone interested in joining please use the attached link. I’m not sure how all this will work though as it’s the first time trying it. @phil bottle you have been added sir.
  13. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in New Quiz Available!FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.10 - Nintendo   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 33/100 My Time 177 seconds  
  14. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in New Quiz Available!FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.1   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 41/100 My Time 182 seconds  
  15. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Thinking about it. Saw an ad the other day and it looked pretty amazing 
  16. Love
    Misneach_ got a reaction from Mikepjbell in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Thinking about it. Saw an ad the other day and it looked pretty amazing 
  17. Haha
    Misneach_ reacted to Mikepjbell in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Get your butt on GT7 😘
  18. Love
    Misneach_ got a reaction from Mikepjbell in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Bang, done, what’s next.
  19. Love
    Misneach_ got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Bang, done, what’s next.
  20. Like
    Misneach_ got a reaction from TurboR56Mini in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Bang, done, what’s next.
  21. Love
    Misneach_ reacted to Greboth in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Honestly I subbed just for the trophy.
    No really, nice work Lee.  Hopefully more consistent donations can help this place grow further.
  22. Love
    Misneach_ reacted to Riff Machine in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Good stuff Lee!!  We'll try to provide once our financial situation gets a tad better and I can somehow shake my addiction to premium ice cream.
  23. Love
    Misneach_ reacted to PrivateParts_93 in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Love it ! I will absolutely partake once i get my shit together 😅😅😅 GGFG
  24. Love
    Misneach_ reacted to Spacedeck in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    I'm glad you gave the option for monthly, helps me in my situation and I can still keep feeding money through gradually without too much of a worry.  Plus I find it easier to commit when it's a set up and leave like subscriptions than I am with just random donations. Thanks.
  25. Love
    Misneach_ reacted to Mikepjbell in FG Memberships! (And some Launch benefits too)   
    Really glad you posted this Lee, it's really amazing functionality to have on the site and a really great way to contribute to what is a heck of a community ❤❤
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