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  1. Looks like it has been hit already! Shame I didn't get to contribute either, but at least there are a couple of engrams to unlock still. Happy to give it a go tonight at around 7PM (UK) if they haven't been unlocked by then. EDIT: Make that 6/6:30PM. I forgot I'm going to a pub quiz at about 8:30PM.
  2. Moley


    I've learnt from the best!
  3. Moley


    I thought I'd get the basic gaming stuff out the way first! Was it a bit much? How do you pronounce Brede? Is it like Breed/Braid/Bread or something else? I've never been into Warframe, but I have a Warframe bandana from EGX a few years back! I haven't enjoyed the last couple of CODs so much, but the new one seemed to be pretty decent in the beta. I'll definitely be getting it.
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome I've just been waiting for the new update to download and now it says Destiny is at capacity. Just my luck! In the meantime I've posted in the intro section and looking forward to getting involved. Do I need to go to anyone for an invite to the clan?
  5. Moley


    Hey, my name's Jack, but feel free to call me Moley or whatever! I've known Plumbrodders my whole life (23 years) and was playing Destiny with him yesterday. He told me this place was good for finding a decent Fireteam and that I can probably join the clan, so I decided to sign up. I'm a big gamer and I like stuff from all genres really. Having a Destiny 2 binge at the moment, but I've got the Uncharted DLC, half of Crash Bandicoot and a bunch of other games I need to get to at some point! Rocket League has been the standout game for me over the past year or so too, so I will no doubt be back on that soon too. I've made a lot of YouTube videos, but the only stuff that really took off was my LittleBigPlanet content on http://www.youtube.com/Sackinima although I've made videos on Call of Duty, Skyrim and all sorts over the years. I'm starting to get into streaming on http://twitch.tv/Sackinima but that is still in it's infancy. I guess that'll do for now. Let me know if you want to know anything else.
  6. Hey, Plumbrodders told me I should jump on here and join the clan. My PSN is oMoley. My light level is 265 at the moment. Slowly pushing it up! I normally do PvE, but more than happy to jump into PvP as long as I have a decent team! Need anything else from me?
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