Hey Everyone! Tombstone here, I'm going to share the info I've learned over the past two days of this game, without spoilers
Preorder bonuses/edition bonuses are obtained once you hit level 20 and finish the main story
Power Cap is 300
Infusion has changed, you require the same item entirely to infuse, if you want to infuse a scout rifle, you need to infuse a scout rifle into it
only exception to the above is Coldheart/Trace Rifles, they take Auto Rifles
NOTE: You can infuse an energy weapon into a kinetic weapon, and vice versa
All the TTK Subclasses have returned. To obtain them, you must hit level 15 at least, and reobtain Voidwalker, Striker, or Gunslinger to get the corresponding item.
To obtain strikes, you must finish the campaign.
Nightfall requirement is 230 power minimum
Reputation rankups require 20 of their corresponding item, and you must be level 20 to claim them.
Exotics are reobtained through your Vault system
Destiny Item Manager already works
The eververse transactions "Bright Engrams" can be obtained through gameplay, exactly how Motes of Light are in Destiny 1
Your Guardian's memories are bound by account, not character. You may start a new character and see the "Memories" Cutscenes
Clan functions are disabled, they will most likely drop on the week of the raid (September 12th, 2017)
Everything in your inventory tab, and your currency carries between characters