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Greboth last won the day on September 12 2024

Greboth had the most liked content!



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    In front of my TV

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Greboth's Achievements

  1. FG Fridays - Wreckfest

    Wreckfest is back! Banter, beer and carnage all wrapped up in one healthy consolidated game night 😎 Get yourself RSVP'd and we'll see you later!

  2. FG Fridays - Pokerstars Night

    A real change up to what we're used to so we should have a go and see how it all works. @LordBaguette  has taken the time out to create all the necessary details and how to join is on the thread below. We'll also use the FG Lounge Discord channel to talk to each other 👍:




    It is a small buy in btw (£5.50 I believe), but its all just to try and experiencing something different on a Friday, especially in isolation. Would be great to get as many there as possible as we already have a good bunch turning up from the interest in the thread.


    Unfortunately due to gambling laws it is unable to register US people. If this is a success we'll try and find one that can allow us all to play together.


  3. FG Fridays - Grand Theft Wreckfest

    A little bit of GTA races and shenanigans followed by some crazy amazeballs Wreckfest.


    Make sure your games are updated...plenty of time to do it from now!


    See you later with beers and lolz



  4. FG Fridays - MW:Remastered Games!

    Back to the old school CoD tonight!


    @Diddums says:


    Alright you bawsaqs. Make sure you have MWR installed and updated for Friday night's sesh! It's free and you're not allowed out the house so *NO FUCKING EXCUSES*  See you tonight 🍻👌🏻😎😍

  5. FG Fridays - FG GTA Races!

    Let's see if we can a complete full lobby of at least 16 of us online. You know you want to.....

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