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Greboth last won the day on September 12 2024

Greboth had the most liked content!



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    In front of my TV

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Greboth's Achievements

  1. Gran Turismo Sport - daily races


    Kyoto Driving Park Yamagiwa + Miyabi

    8 laps

    Fuel 10x

    Tyres 5x

    Any tyres can be chosen but

    Racing: Medium must be used for minimum 1 lap.


    The other races, Gr.3 and/or Gr.4 we can add once Daily Races are announced unless anyone had a request. 


  2. Deep stone crypt clan night triumph

    Raid run to get the clan night triumph done - must wear the FG clan tag

  3. FG Fridays - MW:Remastered & Wreckfest!

    Getting FG Friday games up - its been too long for a CoD night of shooting each other in the face! So lets play for an hour or so and the crack on to the lovely Wreckfest! This is for the remastered version not the new one.


    If we don't get enough for MW Remastered we'll just start Wreckfest earlier! 😄


    Grab a drink and jump on in! RSVP so we know who's in or out!!

  4. Gran Turismo Sport - daily races

    This week we can go for:


    Gr.4 Mount Panorama 

    3 laps, no fuel and tyre = Racing: Hard


    Gr.3 Laguna Seca

    13 laps, fuel 2x and tyres 10x. Racing: Hard only.


    @Misneach_ if you can make a race on Tuesday, let me know what time you can be on, I'm sure you can manage on of the races🙂

    If not, I'll look to set up a race on a Friday...


  5. Gran Turismo Sport - daily races

    Gr. 3 Willow Springs

    13 laps

    any tyre but racing hards at least one lap

    Fuel 5x Tyre 5x


    Plus either Gr.2 at Fuji or Gr.3 at Tokyo


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