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SyntaxMonstr got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in World Cup Sweepstake
If only there was someone from the country where the cup balls are being made... 😏
SyntaxMonstr got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in World Cup Sweepstake
Sorry for the delay, I'm paid up!
SyntaxMonstr got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in World Cup Sweepstake
If only there was someone from the country where the cup balls are being made... 😏
SyntaxMonstr got a reaction from tronic44 in Overwatch Calendar: Overwatch Fun.....Yes Fun
I'm in for some rounds tonight.
SyntaxMonstr got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Overwatch FG Heroes List
Alright so here's a slightly more in depth version of what I see as the forms of utility available in OW (one hero can fit under multiple archetypes):
Defensive Ults | Can prevent a wipe or at least counter offensive ults
Fucking Hot Healing Chick!, Zenyatta, Lucio, Moira
CC Ults | Combo with attacking ults or shut down an enemy's push
Mei, Zarya, Reinhardt,
Anti-Flanker | Protects support and vulnerable DPS from flankers
McCree, Soldier, Winston, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Junkrat, Mei, Moira
Flanker | Sow chaos among the enemy support or get picks from afar to make it 6v5
Tracer, Genji, Winston, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Dave's Spirit Animal, Ana, Sombra, Reaper, Zenn's orbs
Protection | Shields the squishies and soaks up major inc. damage/ults
Rein, Winston's bubble, D.Va, Zarya, Orisa,
DPS/Offensive Ults | Melt down shields and kill shit
Tank damage - Reaper, Dave's Spirit Animal, Junkrat, Soldier, Bastion
Hanzo, McCree, Doomfist, Pharah, Genji, Tracer, Torbjorn, D.Va's ult
Don't really have a name for this additional/optional category, but it basically includes characters who change the tempo of the game and allow you to push or recover: Sombra's EMP, Lucio, Ana's boost, Orisa, Symmetra's teleporter
My suggestion is that rather than trying to get proficient with multiple characters in a single category, it's optimal to have 2-3 roles you can fill, so if someone is lighting it up as a flanker one night, you can switch to anti-flank or tank, with no loss of effectiveness
SyntaxMonstr got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Overwatch FG Heroes List
Also on that note, just realised I haven't posted on here either.
1. Fucking Hot Healing Chick!
2. Zenyatta
3. Soldier 76
4. Dave's Spirit Animal/Reinhardt
5. McCree/Bastion
6. Mei
Also, in re team comp, the way I look at it is that certain utilities need to be accounted for rather than specific roles. The examples of characters aren't exhaustive:
1. Defensive Ult (zen, Fucking Hot Healing Chick!, lucio)
2. CC Ult (mei, rein, zarya, winston)
3. Anti-flanker (soldier, moira, symmetra, torb, piggie)
4. Flanker (tracer, genji, Winston, reaper)
5. Protection (rein, dva, orisa, zarya)
6. Offensive Ult + DPS (hanzo, reaper, McCree)
This obviously isn't a comprehensive list, but I think that'll give us more flexibility and let people play around with more characters while still bringing utility to the team.
SyntaxMonstr got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Overwatch FG Heroes List
If you're gonna try placating me with flattery, at least make it believable. Put me on DPS and I've just wasted between 8-20 minutes of your life. 😔😔
SyntaxMonstr got a reaction from crispymorgan in Overwatch FG Heroes List
Alright so here's a slightly more in depth version of what I see as the forms of utility available in OW (one hero can fit under multiple archetypes):
Defensive Ults | Can prevent a wipe or at least counter offensive ults
Fucking Hot Healing Chick!, Zenyatta, Lucio, Moira
CC Ults | Combo with attacking ults or shut down an enemy's push
Mei, Zarya, Reinhardt,
Anti-Flanker | Protects support and vulnerable DPS from flankers
McCree, Soldier, Winston, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Junkrat, Mei, Moira
Flanker | Sow chaos among the enemy support or get picks from afar to make it 6v5
Tracer, Genji, Winston, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Dave's Spirit Animal, Ana, Sombra, Reaper, Zenn's orbs
Protection | Shields the squishies and soaks up major inc. damage/ults
Rein, Winston's bubble, D.Va, Zarya, Orisa,
DPS/Offensive Ults | Melt down shields and kill shit
Tank damage - Reaper, Dave's Spirit Animal, Junkrat, Soldier, Bastion
Hanzo, McCree, Doomfist, Pharah, Genji, Tracer, Torbjorn, D.Va's ult
Don't really have a name for this additional/optional category, but it basically includes characters who change the tempo of the game and allow you to push or recover: Sombra's EMP, Lucio, Ana's boost, Orisa, Symmetra's teleporter
My suggestion is that rather than trying to get proficient with multiple characters in a single category, it's optimal to have 2-3 roles you can fill, so if someone is lighting it up as a flanker one night, you can switch to anti-flank or tank, with no loss of effectiveness