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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. I had one or two ideas with regards to the shape of the house. I'll whip something up when I get home. Via the FG App
  2. I wouldn't even know how to do that tbh. Currently sat in a boat in the bay away from any skeleton sods with sodding bloody bows. Will be on tonight from about 5ish. Via the FG App
  3. Interesting, I didn't realise they could be so big. I'll investigate it tomorrow after a bit of preliminary groundwork at site 1. Via the FG App
  4. Does anyone have existing ideas on this location already? If not, am I free to claim the spot? I'm thinking a nice big castle and town at 1, with a river-mouth fishing village and a road connecting them at 2. 3 might be castle town spillover. Who owns the area above 1? (Square building). I'm worried about any impact to views from it etc. I've only surveyed the area by boat thus far so I've not been able to get up high and guess at sightlines.
  5. Add Bluebear to the whitelist please :3
  6. Veist autorifle, gets more accurate as you hold down the trigger. Was gonna screenshot it in the Destiny app but it's down for maint atm. Via the FG App
  7. Are there creepers active on the server though? :c Via the FG App
  8. I really should hop in some time and play! I feel the itch to build ruined churches and creepy catacombs and castles with hidden passages again. Via the FG App
  9. Trying the """"Pleasure"""" Gardens for four and a half hours solid on Saturday was a task. Just couldn't face up to doing a fifth, apologies to all who was in with me at the time. Hopefully the raid after reset won't be as frustrating and I'll actually see something more than fat Cabal having a bath and blind dogs wandering drunkenly around flowers. Via the FG App
  10. This was a fun one in Quickplay (pretty sure it wasn't competitive). This was when I realised what a beast Perseverance was.
  11. So looking forward to this! @GazzaGarratt I'd assume so, I saw characters from Daredevil etc in the trailer (Karen) Via the FG App
  12. Ah, fair enough then Amnotright, my mistake. When i got the (mis-?)invite for Trials earlier on in the evening I mistakingly assumed you were running things. Apologies.
  13. I don't mean to sound like a dick @Amnotright, but was it too much to expect an invite (in-game or party) when you were starting the raid? Especially when I RSVP'ed to it and also talked to you about it while you were running Trials beforehand? I was online on Destiny the whole time doing patrols etc as the raid had been delayed to 9:30 as above, and come 9:45 when I still hadn't heard anything and messaged you to ask if it was still on, you said you were already in the raid.
  14. With regards to Cayde, lore from the first game and the TTK Collectors edition book (with annotations 'by' Cayde), seem to point at him contracting for Clovis Bray. After an incident that left a research/space station damaged, he essentially paid off his debts by going to do a job for Clovis Bray. Possibly giving himself up to science. " Saturn. No, someplace else. Someplace colder. This moon has been almost completely converted, a SARCOPHAGUS of ice and iron. Stone towers run round with glaciers, rooted deep within a heart of snow. I came here flesh and bone. Gave everything to the ice. Started over. Rebooted. "
  15. Oh, Hawthorne's Field-Forged Shotgun is an absolute monster in PvE. Not sure why, but it cuts through orange and yellow bars like butter. Via the FG App
  16. Got Sturm last night, and I must say the pairing of Sturm and Drang is very very nice. Sturm packs a hard punch; it's impact stat is through the roof for a hand cannon (92). Still not sure about how it handles, need to try it in Crucible methinks. Via the FG App
  17. It is down, I already RSVP'ed to the event earlier. Just got mixed up on the time that's all Via the FG App
  18. Dead Orbit probably, but it depends on what the armour/guns looks like. Funnily enough I already have a New Monarchy scout rifle (Sentencer IV), and the default shader on it seems to be a darker red with worn white and gold accents. The same rifle also shows up as Classified in the Destiny app... Via the FG App
  19. Oh, yes, so it is Either way, no-one else has RSVP'ed to the 8pm one, so...
  20. I was on at 6pm this evening but nothing seemed to be happening in the way of raids. I'll sign up on the calendar for tomorrow (friday) for 6pm. If that doesn't go ahead, then if need be I can fill a space for the 8pm slot.
  21. Just cracked 271 power, so I think I'll be good to go
  22. Really enjoying using the Old Fashioned handcannon. I've also just got a rocket launcher that has cluster bombs. That's... damaging to bosses, to say the least
  23. Count me in Edit: I'm 267, hopefully I can make it to 270. Got the Drang quest to do at the mo, hopefully that can push me up a bit! Via the FG App
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