For the life of me I cannot remember your old PSN.
You made the SilentHawkk account down the line.
I only recently deleted some accounts and I deleted that one and kept SilentHawkk added.
Hulkum maybe? Or was that someone else. Ringing a bell.
Here's a screenshot from one of Kyle's old videos.
That's Kyle who, on his second alt account, almost aced our friends. And me on the other team as well, no kills that round. (Red Team)
The other Kyle, Seba, Jacob, You?, Mark, and I want to say that's Cal?. (Blue Team)
Fuck, man. Ten years ago.
Edit 2.
I texted Kyle and turns out Hulkum was the American Joe. You're the UK Joe. So many shared names in this dumb community. Still, I know you had a name before this one.
Edit 3.
Found it. I'm good.