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  1. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    Anyone else get the weird audio bug at the end of the game which sounds like constant farting? I mean...that's all I can think of when I hear it. Someone with terrible gas. The killcam also sounds like someone shooting tin cans or cars...
  2. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    Sent you a spare one over, Diddums. Hopefully it's fine, couldn't remember which of the two I gave out yesterday.
  3. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    I was thrown PC tokens for some reason, I've got 6, used 2, didn't even apply for the codes for PC. I think if you have Black Ops 2 or later games installed you get in anyway, at least that seems to be a thing.
  4. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    The connection and hit detection was definitely something I have an issue with, as you all heard when we were playing. I hate how one game you can tear through the team and go 30-4 and the next it's 4-15 because bullets just don't connect. If they sort that out and it's a balanced game, I might think about picking it up at some point. It has been an issue for a very long time, as much as I ranted about MW2 connection when I played it, I didn't have issues with shooting 10 bullets and then dying to two out of the blue. I don't know if these so called dedicated servers are any good or not. I might try the PC beta if they open it up, which I imagine they will or else they won't have enough players in there!
  5. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    This new game mode is the worse thing I've ever seen, save yourself the effort and don't play it. Spawn trappers heaven.
  6. I don't know but I see this all the time, I come across way too many people zig-zagging around the map and being impossible to hit.
  7. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    Apparently they're adding a new map and Uplink later today as well as upping the level cap. Hopefully got a few hotfixes in with that to sort out the connection and party issues.
  8. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    Oh god, that doesn't sound good. Don't tell anyone
  9. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    Hello! How's it going Diddums? Do you still need a code? I'll PM one over anyway in case you still do, then at least it's there if you choose to use it or not
  10. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    Hello. I came back and disappeared again but I've been playing with a few today so thought I'd pop back and see what I've been missing
  11. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    Just sent you one over in a PM if you still need it!
  12. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    No worries.
  13. Ixion

    BO3 beta

    Do you still need one? I have three going spare. Well one was for me but I generated one on the site instead.
  14. Well they should stop thinking and just do it then. Although they'd probably cock it up and try to make it "up to date" or some rubbish. Instead of just the games we hated to play many years ago.
  15. Ixion


    Not a high level, just for my local club although I have been asked to play county. Latest games? Erm...none, haha. There's not really a lot of games that have caught my interest, nearly everything I've played this year has been single player and that's only really The Witcher 3. I'll be playing Fallout 4 in good time but I'm really looking for a good multi player to jump on. I was hoping BO3 was going to bring us all back together but no such luck there. Maybe it's for the best, I was hyped by last years E3 only to be let down so this year I might find a hidden gem. I'm currently grinding out CS:GO on PC and even went back to some good old MW2.
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