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  1. @Plumbers Crack i think i still have you on my friends list as i joined a game you were playing the other day it was a hardcore match i think but i was on the opposite side 👍
  2. Yes enjoying the new COD i like warzone aswell but would be nice to play with people as a team as most randoms just go their own way so i just tend to solo the BR. Appart from COD I've got a load of single player games i need to finish. But no other multiplayer that i want to give my time too at the minute.
  3. Hi all im back after life has calmed down and i can start playing more frequently again. I was dirtylouis on PS but now that i have grown up hahaha i changed my name to LouisV_86. I've been playing the new call of duty which is the first one since i gave up with them when they started going to futuristic. Would love to catch up with you all i think its been nearly 5 years i now have 2 kids and left the navy. Also do we have a regiment in modern warfare?
  4. hey guys back from the deep hows everyone i see there have been a few changes since i've been away looks like most of you guys have gone over to the ps4 im currently saving up for one bit hard when trying to pay for a wedding and a deposit for a house lol hopefully in the next couple of months ill blag the missus and get one and catch up with you guys online
  5. hey guys back from the deep hows everyone i see there have been a few changes since ive been away looks like most of you guys have gone over to the ps4 im currently saving up for one bit hard when trying to pay for a wedding and a deposit for a house lol hopefully in the next couple of months ill blag the missus and get one and catch up with you guys online
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