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Everything posted by H3iman

  1. Infinity Ward is incapable of making a decent PC game. This has to be the worst CoD in years. Locked FOV at 65, locked FPS at 91, and the game looks worse than BO2, while the performance is terrible. Rather than rant myself, I'll let TotalBiscuit do it for me. and for the few mistakes he made in the video (a couple of settings aren't at their maximum value, corrected himself with the perk system), here's the video for that
  2. I'd suggest taking a look at Logicalincrements.com, they're a great resource when picking out the hardware for a new gaming PC. And at that price, you've just about hit the sweet spot for affordable PC gaming that will still blow the next-gen consoles away.
  3. You'll never see this much action in such a short period of time in League. Follow the link to a 4 minute video where two professional teams get a combined 23 kills. If a mod could post the video instead of the link please do, I can't figure out how to. http://www.twitch.tv/beyondthesummit/c/3090774
  4. "Over on the League of Legends' forum, Riot Lyte went into some details about a new feature the studio wants to introduce called "Team Builder." This will let players pick the role they want to fill, or the champion they want to play, and then be placed into a match with players who will compliment their desired spot. This will make sure everyone gets into the role they want using the champion they want to play with. The current matchmaking system focuses only on the player's skills, and it doesn't have any way of knowing if it's filling an entire team with people who want to only play Teemo. Team Builder will also let players pick their preferred lane, which will really help get tactics sorted out before the match even starts." Source As long as this doesn't increase matchmaking times too much, this sounds like an awesome feature. Although I doubt many people will be picking to play Support, so I may improve my ability to play that role.
  5. This is exactly the issue I'm having with FPS games these days. People play like assholes. They ignore the objective, use every cheap tactic they can to kill you, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Sure, you could climb up the ladder onto the roof, but you can't convince them to play the objective, and I don't want to stoop to their level by using cheap tactics myself. I realize that if somebody buys the game, they have the right to play however they want to, but I don't have to play it with them. MOBAs like Dota 2 and League of Legends don't have that problem. Once in a blue moon, you'll come across a troll teammate that intentionally feeds the enemy, and you'll run into an asshat teammate that insults you for playing poorly. But as a whole, your team plays to win. They don't play for some montage clip, they don't ignore the objective and killwhore. And in games like Dota 2, there aren't game mechanics that can be abused, because the entire game is designed to be competitive. When the only difference in a game between playing casually and playing competitively is how well you play and how seriously you take winning, that game becomes one worth playing. I may look into the competitive Defuse game mode that Battlefield 4 releases with, but I have no interest in any other game mode because I'm sick of the bullshit that comes with them. /rant
  6. The Call of Duty: Ghosts requirements have appeared on Geforce, and a few things stand out. First, the game requires 6 GB of RAM. Second, it is a 50 GB file. And finally, Nvidia recommends a GTX 780 to run it, which is a $700 (£435) graphics card. These requirements are higher than Battlefield 4, and it is generally accepted that Battlefield 3 looks much better than any of the recent Call of Duty games. Source P.S. The top comment from the website this article was found on was the following: ---------------------- This is going to be either A) the prettiest game ever made a poorly optimized piece of shit ---------------------- I'd put my money on B.
  7. He is definitely talented, I watched his "A Nightmare at Metro" short film a few months back and it is just as good, if not better.
  8. Since I haven't seen a thread about this yet, Infinity Ward has announced there will not be a League Play playlist in Ghosts. Instead, they're replacing the playlist with a "Clan vs. Clan" playlist, which allows you to play with your clan members against other clans. This will have a separate leaderboard, and IW will use the leaderboard to determine which teams will qualify for the CoD: Championship in 2014. Source Here a video from Optic Nadeshot, giving his opinion on the announcement from the perspective of a pro CoD player. Thoughts? Being a PC guy, League Play is almost nonexistent on the platform because our community is a fraction of the console community. This has partly caused me to move on from the CoD series, with no intention of buying Ghosts on any platform when it releases.
  9. So I discovered a GPU benchmark program called Valley Benchmark, the basic program is free and simply tells you in real-time how your GPU is performing. I installed it and ran it, my results are: Fullscreen, 1920 x 1080p Settings: Extreme HD Min FPS: 26.2 Max FPS: 71.9 Avg FPS: 41.8 However, during the benchmark my GPU went up to 80 degrees Celsius. I have a GTX 680, and I'm wondering if that dangerously close to overheating or not. I have several games in my case, but I'm not sure how hot GPUs can get without overheating. Any tips would be appreciated, and if anybody wants to test their rig with the Valley Benchmark, feel free to post your results below.
  10. H3iman

    BF4 PC specs

    Just realized my GPU doesn't meet the recommend settings. My GTX 680 only has 2GB of Video RAM, compared to the required 3GB. If my performance is lacking, I'll seriously consider getting a 2nd and running them in SLI.
  11. H3iman

    BF4 PC specs

    Not bad, I may want to Overclock my CPU, upgrade my PSU, and get a 2nd GTX 680. Will depend greatly on how smoothly my PC runs the Beta. Is Battlefield 4 here yet?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=EbsD41vnVB0
  13. We've all got to download Teamspeak and use the channel Diddums set up for us through Musty Gaming. Teamspeak will be invaluable when we have more than 2-3 people on at the same time. Hopefully Dave sees this and is able to post TS info for us.
  14. My favorite team is probably TSM, but my favorite livestreamers are Scarra from Dignitas and PhantomL0rd.
  15. I watch a lot of competitive LoL actually. The Riot Games livestream is one of the highest quality on Twitch, and it is really fun watching the pros play.
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