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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. No mate, nobody would. Sorry.
  2. That was some sweet fucking justice. The lengths that dude has had to go to to get those buffs is unreal, he literally tripled his character's power with them which is why he was such a bitch to fight. Unfortunately he came up against a frost mage, the last thing you'd want to fight as a melee class. Ziqo got lucky there, if it wasn't for that final stun the paladin would've wiped the floor with him. Great fight 😄
  3. It's a fantastic game, the absolute carnage and chaos is unlike any other game I've ever played and accidentally dropping an orbital on your team mates is so satisfying hilarious embarrassing. Looking forward to another sesh tonight.
  4. Played all night, zero problems. No they don't, this isn't a Sony problem.
  5. This is getting such a panning it's hilarious. What does this do that Sea of Thieves doesn't?
  6. It's so weird that you say this as I reinstalled it on Friday. @techno and I were gonna have a little play but a 132gb download quickly put an end to that. It's fully updated and ready to go though, maybe I'll even put something in the calendar for Friday. I'm so bored of cod it's unreal. I even subbed to WoW for a month to see if that would keep me busy but after running a few dungeons I'm just bored again. Helldivers 2 looks ace but my days of spending cash on games that get played a few times and then get abandoned are done, I'm only spending cash on stuff I really intent to get stuck in to. I really wish Playstation would give trial periods of games, even just an hour to get a feel for it is usually enough. That being said, it is payday on Friday and this sweetens the deal even more: 15% off PlayStation Gift Cards - from £4.25 for £5 to £85 for £100 | hotukdeals WWW.HOTUKDEALS.COM
  7. Yessir. Loving it, what an amazing place to work!
  8. Everything. I finished the camos on MW3, now I've gone back to fill in the gaps on the MW2 weapons to complete that too. Dunno what I'll do once I'm done with those, apart from realise what a monumental waste of my life it's been. Still, shiny internet guns. Can't go wrong.
  9. Preferrably PS5, something RPG-ish, must have both MP and SP, preferrably playable together, like Density, but with NEW CONTENT EVERYBODY. Anyways. Got bored of WoW. Warframe never took off for me, almost completed the camos on corrodoory so that's gonna take a back seat soon. I need a game I can both have a good sesh on, or hop on for 30 mins and log off again without losing progress. Not something hardcore, I don't mind a bit of survival stuffs but I tend to die a lot so would like to keep my shit. Bit of action, atmosphere, yanno, like Density but newerer and betterer. Any ideas?
  10. YO WHAT'S GOIN ON GUYS IT'S YOUR BOY DIDDLYTOTHEDEE DIDDUMS COMIN AT YA LIVE FROM MY WORK PC (if you know, you know, soz in advance for the spams lol)
  11. @WelchyTV make a new thread mate, and pop a link in here. These mugs will never click on this thread. Call it "FG GOTY 2023 - Nominations" or something!
  12. Tell everyone to nominate 5 games, let it run for a week or so, and then tally up the most common ones and create a poll. If you need any support with this let me know, happy to help out.
  13. This sounds like a fantastic idea, you have my full support. For creating polls, when you create a new topic there should be a tab like this: I'm not sure how to hide the results, I've just had a look around the admin panel and it's not a standard feature of the software so I'll have a look around and see if there's a plugin or something for it.
  14. From a Saffrican radio show: This one's also fucking hilarious:
  15. Well, I just turned it off, not because I have other shit to do (which I do but corrodoory), or because I got bored, but having had my suspicions confirmed that the MP games are full of bots, I'm now paying attention to it and they're everywhere. In the game I just had there were two which were literally doing exactly the same thing for the entire game. Even when camping they were lying next to each other, they're runing together, shoot ingtogether, had the same weapons, the lot. Someone's just copied and pasted the code. Still, they seem to be more intelligent that most of the cod community and actually cap flags so it's not all bad. Kinda put me off a bit tbh.
  16. I'm prolly gonna just refurbish mine myself, maybe mod them a bit. Fucking mahoossive battery, clean them up and wrap or something, I can't justify that amount on a new headset when mine works perfectly fine. Just needs a tidy up.
  17. Oooooooh will have a looksee, my Astros are starting to show their age!
  18. I remember that! Delta Force was the first MP game I ever experienced, I think. Could be wrong though, that was 10 years of gaming which was so full of blurry lines in my heads it's all just mush. Forgot about Unreal Tournament too, absolutely loved that game. M-M-M-MONSTER KILLLLLL!!!!
  19. Oppenheimer. I lasted 34 minutes before giving up. What a load of shite.
  20. Wolfenstein, spent absolutely insane amount of hours on that game. Others were Doom, Quake, Rise of the Triad, Heretic, Duke Nukem and tons more.
  21. Just enjoy the fucking clip you whiny old bat. It's great to see some decent stuff coming out of the Blizzard for once, hopefully this is the start of something fresh!
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