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The most romantic thing you've ever done


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It may be the hint of Spring in the air or the rat feces in my overpriced Starbucks coffee, but I'm feeling a bit....romantic.

So c'mon, feed me your love. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?

Mine was when I was on a date with GF #2 (the touchy one).

We were at the movies, watching the previews, when my clumsy-a$$ accidentally spilled her soda all over her lap.

Mortified, I did the only thing I could think of doing: I grabbed my soda and spilled it over my head. All of 50-something ounces of it.

She laughed and laughed to the point of people sushing her, and I sat there with Dr Pepper slowly seeping in my crotch. She then cooed that it was the most romantic thing anyone has done for her.

Don't judge, I haven't had the best track record for intimacy and I'm still young. x)



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Uh, I just (today) asked the girl I'm fond of (the extent of which needn't be posted) to be my girlfriend, so yeah.



Don't worry Ceppy, I'll learn you English. 



//What did she say? Have you given her cooties yet?


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Guest Inception.

Don't worry Ceppy, I'll learn you English. 



//What did she say? Have you given her cooties yet?


:D I'm tired as tired can be, don't blame me.


And it was a yes.


(Also, there are multiple extents so I'm right. BITCH)

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