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Quite an interesting watch if you haven't seen. 


This thing can "apparently" predict eclipses and such. Facisinating to think something that old was able to perform such tasks. 


I wonder what other wonderful technologies have been lost over time. 


We were supposed to have flying cars long before now, according to The Fifth Element.......... LOL! 



It's easy to say today that it's not impressive as it isn't hard to make a geared machine that provides an analogy to our solar system.  To do that 2000+ years ago however is crazy! Just tracking the moon or sun a day or week in advance is impressive.


Veritasium did an interesting video on mechanical computers which includes the Antikythera mechanism and others




yeah it's such a fascinating piece of technology that doesn't seem that interesting up close if you don't know about what it did, but it's impressive that people now were able to reconstruct it through a series of scans when it has become a rusted and fused piece of metal


also here's another piece of technology ahead of it's time, it was the first steam engine and it was made more than 2000 years ago




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