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So... raiding plans


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basically what I was thinking after the raid marathon last night is...


would you guys want the normal raid that have been going on depending on peoples need and then we do the raid marathon weekly? or would it be better for everyone that we do the raid marathons on a less regular basis?


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3 minutes ago, Teenwolf25 said:

Raid marathons everyday 🤷‍♂️

would love tooooo but i don't want everyone to start getting overly bored of the raids maybe a twist on each one? like xyz subclass or do this challenges or triumphs

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On 2/14/2022 at 9:06 AM, Baabcat said:

Actually wonder if there’s any interest in pushing to get people the raid seals if they are missing. Would need some good people to help out but things like the GoS seal are possible? 

Mainly saying this cos I haven’t got it !


I'd push for some seals stuff but arguably thats done better when you focus on 1 or 2 specific triumphs a night.


@Leeesh13  the idea of a raid marathon more regular sounds great...part of me thinks fortnightly and would likely have to be a weekend one because all 4 raids can still take a long time. 4 hours for us last week but i think there also should be any issues in saying you only do 3 if you take longer on one of them. May need to say its a 5 hour slot and see what happens 😄 If more people do it, then it goes up more often. Simples innit.

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On 2/17/2022 at 7:40 AM, Leeesh13 said:

would love to help people with their seals maybe whenever I or someone puts up a raid maybe the people joining can highlight what triumphs they need and we can decide from there?


Yeah, until we get a bit more in a routine with people posting up what they are missing/need help with, it could be easier to ask on the night before you start a raid. Just the difficult ones should really be called out so we can plan ahead.

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I'm always down if I'm available depending on the day.  I'm working during the week at most of the usual raid start times and my Sundays for the foreseeable future are pretty much dedicated to streaming stuff for SixSidesofGaming.  

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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