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GAME screwed me over!


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Basically I was in two minds as to whether I'd get a PS4 yesterday or just exchange my £20 pre-order for a gift card and get the machine at a later date. So I popped into GAME still undecided and wasn't entirely sure if they had any in stock.  I wasn't notified despite them saying they would 1) guarantee a console before Christmas 2) send me a text/email to tell me that my pre-order was available.  Anyway I spoke to the manager who informed me that they had some in stock but only bundles ranging from £649.99 to £799.99.  I asked as to why my console-only order was not available and he couldn't give me a satisfactory answer.  I also inquired as to why a shop of a company with an alleged cash-flow meltdown could stock such lavish bundles and have such a quantity available in-store.  He couldn't answer that.


By now, I was more than delighted to exchange my pre-order for a £20 gift voucher.  This put him in quite a shitty mood.  


One of his colleagues informed me on the quiet that GAME had deliberately stocked high-value bundles to match the inflated prices currently available online through the likes of eBay. This method gives the customer a massive package when compared to the £500+ sellers on the internet want for just the console.  I can understand this logic to some extent but I feel as if the company that I have supported for over 15 years has completely shafted me of their initial promise.  The bundles are good when totted up individually but there is no way in hell I'd drop £650-£800 large across the counter.  I wouldn't even pay that for a new PC in this climate.


I am very disappointed in GAME's sly move to inflate their own prices through top-end packages to deter people away from the net sellers.  The manager quoted he 'had loads in stock' but that is probably a number of customers's consoles that were supposed to be just single units and not bundles.  Looks like I wasn't the only one that was screwed over a treat.


I'm done with GAME now. I always support the high street retailer over the net for certain goods but this is a bit of a rotten trick to pull this time of the year. I wasn't notified and what I ordered wasn't correct either. They've pretty much used my money to buy in products that I didn't ask for.  I have my gift card and I will take something off of them but that will ultimately be the last thing I purchase from this company.  

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And they wonder why they're flopping. Did they ever think of simply undercutting or matching the competition? 



I also pre-ordered BF4 at Eurogamer and was told I'd get free stuff which never materialized. They're a shambles on a very steep hill. 


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Sucks man, what the hell is included in the bundle for £700?

I think they were throwing in all the key games along with Knack (well they had to get rid of that somehow lol!) plus the Vita.  They wouldn't even sell me a single unit because it 'would unbalance the stock' despite me preordering one and having it guaranteed in writing that it would be available before Christmas.  I will write them a strongly worded email with an attachment of a picture of my middle finger

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I have thought that video game stores (of the corporation variety) are rip offs for sometime now. When they only give you $5 for a basically brand new, still popular game, they can suck my dick.

You are definitely better off flogging a game on eBay now as opposed to trading it in. I bought PES 2014 on the Xbox 360 on the day it came out; didn't like it so i thought I'd trade it in for FIFA 14.  I paid £40 for it and they offered me £15.50 trade or £11.85 for cash two days later. I popped it on eBay instead and sold it for £35! I've always tried to support them as they are pretty essential to the declining high street particularly in the UK and for the personal service but now they are becoming increasingly crafty, untrustworthy and most of the people they employ are fucking clueless!


I couldn't even get a Steam gift card for my friend the other month for this birthday because the moron serving didn't know how to do it on the till. 

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