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U.S. Meet Up


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I really like this idea. If I had a stable job and had some extra income I would totally be up for this. But maybe next time you U.S. guys want to do this again.

Next time we really plan it and come to you. Vegas!!!

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I am most certainly down for a Vegas trip. I've never been but really want to go!!


If and when we get some people interested, I will update the OP with who's interested and where they're from and then we can look into places to try and have this party!!!

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I am most certainly down for a Vegas trip. I've never been but really want to go!!

The red eyed foaming at the mouth gambler in you just arose from his slumber. :lol:


Ahh Vegas. You guys wouldn't like to see me drunk. Especially, if my boyfriend Froggie was there. Who knows what would happen.  B)

He'll sing to you, caress your manhood and make froggies on your person. IMAGE :lol:


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To be quite honest, most likely I won't be attending. Unless it's somewhere very close and very cheap, I probably won't be able to justify the expenses.

Yeah, I'm kinda with you on that. The wife and I are trying to save up some money for a possible future jSyn Jr.


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This doesn't haven't to be anything extravagant. Just a long weekend somewhere close enough that we can all gather and have some fun. This is what sucks about us living here in the US, we are all so spread out. I hope we can come up with some kind of solution.


@Tommy and Jay....This is in no way directed at you. I get we all have different circumstances and financial issues, I was just hoping that some internet friends could meet up and finally put some faces and voices to names. I have no problem paying some extra if that means we can get even one additional person involved.

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I do think how ever that Vegas gets to expensive. If you live in a city like New York you can get cheap flights to most places because it's a hub city, But going that far west is costly and the vast majority of people that responded are out east. 

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Yeah, I'm saying something like Vegas is too much commitment for me.

I would love us to come up with something though. Think it would be a blast.


That's what I'm saying.  If I'm going to spend the money to go to Vegas (or something similar) I'm going to go with my family.  Money is tight, so if I'm spending that much, it's going to be with my loved ones. 


I do want to get together though.  I love the idea of meeting at your bar! :)  I'd be down for that.  Something I could do in 48 hours and not spend a whole lot.  Gas, drinking, food, spend the night, drive home. 




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Well then, let's make that happen. If Jason doesn't mind having us, that would be great!! Jason, what type of places are there to stay near you? I believe you said you live in Ohio, I could do that!!

Just saw this. I'll type up more later.

Short answer I don't mind at all.


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