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Right, I'm shutting the server down then. At this point it's just costing us money and nobody's chipped in towards the bill which is approaching rapidly. I can only hope that once the mods have caught up and we can implement security plugins that we can go from there, but the thieving has pretty much killed it.


Sorry 'bout that folks, but I need to play hardball with this as it's coming out my own pocket at the moment.



Hi, my name's Dylan i still play on it but if im the only one we may as well just  save the world then reopen the server when the mods catch up so people can feel that there stuff is safe i will keep cheeking the pages and let u know if i see any protection plugins for 1.7.2

Well this is shit . One cunt comes along and runes our good time. Fucking sly bitch didn't even admit to it. I play the server nearly every night when im too tired for cod



We had a fix and a way to stop it from happening ever again, but folks who paid would not entertain the idea of going back to the previous version.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."


If a few folks commit to 2-3 quid a month, I'll sponge this month's payment and keep it open from there. I hate going down the pay-to-play route, but this seems to be the only option to weed out any bad eggs. It's £13,19 a month, so 5 people chucking in a few quid a month will sort it out. Alternatively, I can reduce the server's resources and we can save a few bucks there.


Basically, I need to know what people can afford to commit to and based on that I'll see what we can afford and go from there.


If your'e not comfortable divulging any information, PM me and I'll sort it out from there.


Alternatively, if anyone has any other solutions I'm all ears.



I will pay again as well. I hate single player . But people need to play hopefully the robbing will stop. Or was just an isolated incident . Me and cal have been playing regularly as of late

I paid £13 in 3 weeks, 4 of those monies were from Stephen. If other people start donating then I have no problem paying 4 per month. That might not sound like a lot but it is to me.

I don't know who's donated and who hasn't but if Dave has to think about shutting the server down, that's bullshit. Especially considering that we all knew beforehand about throwing some shillings in.

I want us to be a proper friendly server. First chance someone got and they thieved resulting in people backing out.

So yeah, fresh whitelist sounds good.



Ok so far I've got £5 from Dylan and €8 from Cal & Stephen. 


This results in £11, so I'm going to account for 10 due to Paypal fees & exchange rate fluctutations. 


For this, I can turn the server down a wee bit, which will still be plenty to run vanilla for 10 or so dedicated folks. I also expect other folks to chime in a couple of quid when they can, and when they want to play. It's unfailr to those paying that they fork out all the cash all the time, unless they specifically say in this thread that they don't mind. I will also be throwing some wedge in when I can, but this will be purely leftovers from the ad revenue after I've paid the site's hosting bills. They're currently generating an average of 20p a day, so don't expect much.




I'll review the whitelist, and I'm going hardball. If I suspect even the tiniest suspicious activity, you're not going on the list. Sorry, but I'm determined to make this a pleasant experience for all, and if folks are going to pay for it, then I#ll fight tooth and nail for them. 



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