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Mike's PC


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Absolutely not. Pwn did a great job, except for the bits that are loose and falling out. Lulz. I'm only joking pwn, your efforts made this possible in the first place ;)

Should be an easy fix, but pwn is all over this and I need to be up in three hours so imma go sleepies.


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:( Should I be worried?

I wouldn't be worried, and I'm trying my hardest not to worry with you. There's always some rational explanation when something isn't working out.

Try running world of tanks if it's still installed and let us know how it runs. There's no reason for one game to run good and another not, especially not something so simple as LoL. Ensure you're connected to the graphics card HDMI port, and not an onboard motherboard one (if it even has onboard HDMI). Make sure the graphics card is pushed all the way down (the evga geforce thing).

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Absolutely not. Pwn did a great job, except for the bits that are loose and falling out. Lulz. I'm only joking pwn, your efforts made this possible in the first place ;)

Should be an easy fix, but pwn is all over this and I need to be up in three hours so imma go sleepies.

Sweet dreams sugar plum. :P

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I wouldn't be worried, and I'm trying my hardest not to worry with you. There's always some rational explanation when something isn't working out.

Try running world of tanks if it's still installed and let us know how it runs. There's no reason for one game to run good and another not, especially not something so simple as LoL. Ensure you're connected to the graphics card HDMI port, and not an onboard motherboard one (if it even has onboard HDMI). Make sure the graphics card is pushed all the way down (the evga geforce thing).

I'll try world of tanks.

I pushed on the geforce and it didn't even move. So I think it's ok. I sent you pics of where I have my HDMI plugged in.


So what if my games are still laggy when I turn it back on? :o


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I'll try world of tanks.

I pushed on the geforce and it didn't even move. So I think it's ok. I sent you pics of where I have my HDMI plugged in.


So what if my games are still laggy when I turn it back on? :o

Well it's definitely in the right place. I don't understand why it's laggy then.. World of Tanks I think requires registration, which is a pain in the neck. I'm just trying to think of why it would be lagging.. That gfx card is more than capable of powering most anything you throw at it.. There is no reason it should be laggy like that.. Try right click -> Nvidia Settings or Geforce settings or whatever it is, go through the options until you find a Check for updates..

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Well it's definitely in the right place. I don't understand why it's laggy then.. World of Tanks I think requires registration, which is a pain in the neck. I'm just trying to think of why it would be lagging.. That gfx card is more than capable of powering most anything you throw at it.. There is no reason it should be laggy like that.. Try right click -> Nvidia Settings or Geforce settings or whatever it is, go through the options until you find a Check for updates..


I'm powering it on and i'll do that right now. I'll keep you updated.


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So all of my drivers are updated. Metro still lags. It's kinda like everything is sped up. Like the game is trying to catch up with itself. And what's TeamViewer?

TeamViewer is a remote desktop program, which gives me control of your computer (nothing malicious I promise) so I can take a look at what's going on over there.

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Any news?



Also Mike, you are aware you don't *have* to install all your games at once, right? Multiplayers, fine, but if you're going to play a campaign, then install it, finish it, and remove it before moving on to the next one. I try not to have more than 200gb worth of games installed at once, I've got the same size HDD as you and when it gets really full it slows down noticeably.


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A couple of things. 


Install FRAPs. That will tell people what frame rate you are running and give them a clue




Run Can I run it for the games you want to run. It runs diagnostics on your PC and should anything be below par it will tell you what. I would expect that machine you got to run everything without issue. However if a driver or something is not running correctly it will also tell you what.







In addition go to your computer properties and look at your windows experience index. That will also tell you if something is under performing


I none of that makes sense let me know and I'll try to guide you through it since I am at least in the same time zone 



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Welcome to the world of PC gaming Mike lol.  The ole put the damn CD in the PS3/XBOX and hit enter days are over!  I've had to do some ridiculous things to get games to work on my PC - and it's a BEAST.  Fallout 3 for example I had to figure out how to change the amount of cores on my processor that are allocated to the game just to get it to stop freezing.  Thats after spending half a day on forums trying to figure out why it was freezing in the first place.

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A couple of things. 


Install FRAPs. That will tell people what frame rate you are running and give them a clue




Run Can I run it for the games you want to run. It runs diagnostics on your PC and should anything be below par it will tell you what. I would expect that machine you got to run everything without issue. However if a driver or something is not running correctly it will also tell you what.







In addition go to your computer properties and look at your windows experience index. That will also tell you if something is under performing


I none of that makes sense let me know and I'll try to guide you through it since I am at least in the same time zone 




Thanks Pat! I downloaded fraps and sent Dave some results via his request, i'm waiting on his response. The next website was nice, it told me all the drivers I needed to update but it costs money to have them do the updates for you. haha My important drivers are up to date though so that's good.


Welcome to the world of PC gaming Mike lol.  The ole put the damn CD in the PS3/XBOX and hit enter days are over!  I've had to do some ridiculous things to get games to work on my PC - and it's a BEAST.  Fallout 3 for example I had to figure out how to change the amount of cores on my processor that are allocated to the game just to get it to stop freezing.  Thats after spending half a day on forums trying to figure out why it was freezing in the first place.


Yeah, I've been a bit frustrated, but i'm sure things will work out in due time. :)


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Hey Mike. Don't pay for anything. The sites I mentioned are purely to paint a diagnostic picture. Collectively we should be able to help you update if needed. 


Sometimes a PC driver will be loaded for an inferior device which causes complications. For instance the integrated graphics. I had that happened with my rig when the old graphics card that came with it was overriding the HD7850 I installed. It's a pretty simple problem to fix, you just have to know where to look.


Hopefully you get it sorted out soon. 

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Mike, the FPS results you sent me woulc indicate that your GPU is working fine. I need you to watch a clip on Youtube, full screen, 1080p, and let me know if it stutters as well. If it does, it could well be the telly. If not, then its back to the drawing board.


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Mike, the FPS results you sent me woulc indicate that your GPU is working fine. I need you to watch a clip on Youtube, full screen, 1080p, and let me know if it stutters as well. If it does, it could well be the telly. If not, then its back to the drawing board.

Alrighty, if I don't get around to it tonight, I'll give you the results tomorrow. I'm at the doctors with my mom, then we go to the hospital. If i'm too tired when I get home I'll be resting.

Sent from my DROID4


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I swear to god Mike, if it's something as silly as this I'll get on a plane to Merica tomorrow just to put my hand on my belly, point at you and give you my dumbass laugh.

Go try it. Go try it now. I wanna get this sorted.


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