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Strikezone Vs Dome


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Mmmm interesting coincidence!


Strikezone is part of the campaign but the map ripped for MP is domeishly different! The other maps are all pretty unique and well designed albeit a couple of oddball ones so I'll let them off this one. 


As long as a Downturn-esque map doesn't appear in any DLC; I'll sleep easy

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I like how Treyarch reskins old maps and its awesome but IW does it and they're lazy.

I agree 100%. It plays nor feels anything like Dome. Nadeshot also isn't pleased with this game. Says it doesn't support competitive gaming. He has ranted about it several times now in his videos and on twitter

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I like how Treyarch reskins old maps and its awesome but IW does it and they're lazy.


Treyarch advertised the fact that they were old maps that were being re-skinned, maybe because IW haven't done something similar that the question of laziness is being asked?

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Treyarch advertised the fact that they were old maps that were being re-skinned, maybe because IW haven't done something similar that the question of laziness is being asked?

That makes sense.

Personally it doesn't really matter to me cause I never minded if they brought back old maps.

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I agree 100%. It plays nor feels anything like Dome. Nadeshot also isn't pleased with this game. Says it doesn't support competitive gaming. He has ranted about it several times now in his videos and on twitter

Everybody has ranted about the competitive side of this game. It isn't viable RIGHT NOW.

Curse, Faze, Complexity, Envy so on and so forth. They all dislike it for competitive. But they said they'll keep pushing for it even if it'll be SnD only. Though, IW have stated that they are implementing more support down the line.

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I haven't really been watching any rant videos....but what exactly isn't competitive about the game?


They're not the saying the game isn't competitive, they're saying the game isn't suitable for competitive competition. They've upped the SnD round timer, taken the rounds down from 6 to 4, got rid of CTF and Hardpoint (which were both brilliant for competitive). That's just some of my observations. Black Ops 2, was designed with competitive in mind, not so much this game.

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As far as I know IW never announced that it was a re-skin.  I think that is where some of the anger is coming from (not that's justified in my opinion).  Treyarch embraced what they were doing and announced it.  IW seems to have just slipped it in.  I think that's the difference.


I personally don't mind.  I liked Dome and I like this map.  Both are fun for me and both play different. 




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