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BF4 on PS3 : active players

Dr Diamond

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I rarely have any connection issues now. The issues I do have is the lack of sound as you begin a new game, and spawning without a gun for a few seconds if you join an ongoing game. Similar to some of the BF3 issues, I'm sure they'll sort these out in due course.

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anyone care to give a ps3 review then ?

I have still not got cod or bf4 . i have read the graphics arent too great on bf4..are they equal to bf3 ?

hit detection ? ttk ? all these things like bf3  or is it completely different ?







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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anyone care to give a ps3 review then ?

I have still not got cod or bf4 . i have read the graphics arent too great on bf4..are they equal to bf3 ?

hit detection ? ttk ? all these things like bf3  or is it completely different ?

I've played it on my mate's and it is shoddy as hell.  Horrendous technical issues and horrid bullet detection.  The game itself wouldn't even pass as good BF3 DLC.  It looks piss poor and EA have really ensured the game is rushed to hell in before Call of Duty and it really shows.  I'd avoid it at all costs

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Can't comment on the PS3 but on the PC it's frankly awesome, but marred by technical issues. The graphics are amazing, but then I'm playing with a graphics card which alone has more grunt than 10 PS3s. Gameplay is smooth as hell, when the game performs, it really is awesome. 


The technical issues are annoying, but there was a patch released which was meant to fix this so I'll have a go in a bit and let you know. 


Commander mode is a gimmick which can be deadly with a well co-ordinated team.


Weapons feel a bit rough around the edges, certain weapons feel like they should be in different categories, but this is also being worked on.


Snipers shouldn't exist, they're the most infuriating prats to have on your team or against you. 


I'd say wait out the technical shit, then when the game is nice and smooth, there'll be used copies about. If you enjoyed BF3, you'll love bf4.


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I've played it on my mate's and it is shoddy as hell.  Horrendous technical issues and horrid bullet detection.  The game itself wouldn't even pass as good BF3 DLC.  It looks piss poor and EA have really ensured the game is rushed to hell in before Call of Duty and it really shows.  I'd avoid it at all costs



Can't comment on the PS3 but on the PC it's frankly awesome, but marred by technical issues. The graphics are amazing, but then I'm playing with a graphics card which alone has more grunt than 10 PS3s. Gameplay is smooth as hell, when the game performs, it really is awesome. 


The technical issues are annoying, but there was a patch released which was meant to fix this so I'll have a go in a bit and let you know. 


Commander mode is a gimmick which can be deadly with a well co-ordinated team.


Weapons feel a bit rough around the edges, certain weapons feel like they should be in different categories, but this is also being worked on.


Snipers shouldn't exist, they're the most infuriating prats to have on your team or against you. 


I'd say wait out the technical shit, then when the game is nice and smooth, there'll be used copies about. If you enjoyed BF3, you'll love bf4.

 Hmm, pretty differing opinions there. I have no doubt its amazing on PC and that the technical issues will get fixed. I just hope that on ps3 it isnt just a port from next gen/pc backwards onto PS3, but unfortunately thats what it seems to be


I really got into bf3 over the summer, and wish i had gotten all the DLC, but its too late to get it all now, so i figure i may just get bf4 premium.







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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I'm not that impressed with it to be honest. It's rather poor quality as far as I am concerned. I got a refund for the PC version and hardly played the PS3 one. I think I'm only at level 8.


The graphics are cartoony, it's choppy as hell. Most people don't play the objective and are pretty useless. Squads of snipers playing DOM or conquest who don't seem to know what a flag looks like. 


Finding servers in NA east if pretty difficult unless you want a commander slot. My campaign still does not work (it's necessary for some of the unlocks). I get a disconnected routinely. 


I've usually have had enough after playing for an hour. 


As much as it pains me to say so, CoD is a better game on the PS3 at the moment. 

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You can't really blame the game for the snipers though, that's just idiots who seem to think that 2 long distance kills a match are more important than actually winning. There are technical issues, but the patch is being released today so we'll hafta wait and see.


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 Hmm, pretty differing opinions there. I have no doubt its amazing on PC and that the technical issues will get fixed. I just hope that on ps3 it isnt just a port from next gen/pc backwards onto PS3, but unfortunately thats what it seems to be


I really got into bf3 over the summer, and wish i had gotten all the DLC, but its too late to get it all now, so i figure i may just get bf4 premium.

It is beyond awful on the PC and probably one of the worst games I have ever played in the genre. You'd be better off sticking to BF3 and just getting all the DLC instead of handing over a fair-whack to EA for a game that is bugged to buggery and is shockingly designed.  The maps and general flow of matches is over-chaotic with the design being so poor and most of the play just feels soulless. Even if it was fully-working; I'd avoid like the plague.

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Really? I'm loving it!



had a blast last night with some of the folks from Musty Gaming and it was great fun. It does take a bit to get used to the pace and action, but I'm starting to settle in nicely. So much so that Phil and I are renting our own server :ph34r:


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Really? I'm loving it!



had a blast last night with some of the folks from Musty Gaming and it was great fun. It does take a bit to get used to the pace and action, but I'm starting to settle in nicely. So much so that Phil and I are renting our own server :ph34r:

Good stuff! I am determined to get into it but I just can't for some reason.  The technical issues right off the bat we're frustrating but there was just something about the core game that didn't grab me like BF3 did.  It's probably the maps that is my biggest disappointment and they make up a significant part of the experience.  I will give it another go post-patch over the weekend but I'm just not feeling it sadly:-(

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You can't really blame the game for the snipers though, that's just idiots who seem to think that 2 long distance kills a match are more important than actually winning. There are technical issues, but the patch is being released today so we'll hafta wait and see.



I can't blame the manufacturer of the game but I can blame the game for not being that fun. The rest of the community is part of the experience and that's what he is going to experience on the PS3.


If some of those stats did not exist in the game people would not be bothering to try to get those shots.

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Good point.

I'm a very firm believer that stats killed gaming. I remember the good old days when you saw a scoreboard after a match and once it disappeared, it was gone forever.

Too many people give a toss about kdr, longest headshot, etc etc.


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Good point.

I'm a very firm believer that stats killed gaming. I remember the good old days when you saw a scoreboard after a match and once it disappeared, it was gone forever.

Too many people give a toss about kdr, longest headshot, etc etc.

That's a good point.


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I value W/L more than KDR and even then I'm not too bothered as long as I'm having fun.  


The K/D ratio is such a bad inclusion that has had such a negative impact on the community with people's attitudes and the way they play.  Why not just show kills and mask deaths for public view? 


God I miss the classic days of UT and Q3A - nobody gave a toss as long as we're all having a good time, playing fairly and playing the objective. If you won; it was great but if you lost; there was always the next game. 

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how are you liking the game mark ?

Sort of mixed at the moment. The gun play certainly feels different from BF3 in that there does not seem to be as much recoil as before, which in my mind is a shame. Aim assist needs to be nerfed, as every gun has become a laser like CoD.


Suppression has been nerfed to the point where it's almost non existent. Good or bad? Depends on the individual. I'd like it back to how it is in BF3. I am however, liking the number or different settings you can have on your vehicles. Gives you loads of options after you unlock them, same goes for the guns as well. You can play to your strengths more so with the number of attachments available.


Recon's seem to be around more than ever, I'm thinking this is partly because of the fact they have a portable soflam which makes spotting opponents from a relatively safe distance quite easy. It would be good if they could introduce a camo that negates this, as they can be a pain in the arse sometimes, I know I've done it ;)


The maps have definitely been designed with the next gen consoles in mind with 64 player servers, although the infantry fighting in Conquest particularly, does seem to concentrate on certain flags. My favourite map by far is Zavod 311, least favourite is probably Flood Zone, but having said that I have only really played either Conquest or TDM on this map and they usually end up as massive camp fest with snipers slogging it out. It may play totally different in Rush, Obliteration or Domination.


I need to expand my game mode selections more, only having played mainly Conquest with some TDM and Dom thrown in. I've only played one match of Obliteration and a few Defuse (basically SnD) matches.


Proper 5 man squads could easily dominate a match in 12 v12 matches, but at the moment this doesn't happen too much for me, :(On the couple of occasions when everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet, the results against the opposition have been pretty comprehensive.


Weapons are pretty good so far, although I have barely touched the Support class so can't really comment on the LMG's. I like the fact that  you can use Carbines across all classes when you unlock them, The AR's are probably still the best all round weapons to use, but Carbines and PDW's are pretty good also. I like the fact that Recon's get bolt actions from the outset. The only real issue with this is that it has promoted that class to the point that it gets extremely frustrating to have a team full of them and no flags being taken.


You do get the odd aggresive Recon, but not that many. I haven't used any DMR's yet so can't comment on those either, but they are availabel to all classes when unlocked as are the shotties. The unlocks for these are done via specific classes so it does sort of force you play as every class if you want to unlock certain weapon types. Engineers unlock Carbines, Supprot unlocks shotties and Recon unlocks DMR's.


Like I say, sort of mixed at the moment. It's not got me as hooked as BF3 did from the start. I'm thinking the next gen versions will play much better in many ways purely because of the numbers involved, the biggest issue I have is that I can't see me getting a PS4 for a little while yet.


Would I get it for the PS3 knowing what I know now? Probably yes, but with all the good stuff I'm hearing about Ghosts I'd be tempted to rent them both side by side and decide for yourself. If it was a PS4 based question, it would be hands down BF4, but then you would also have the option of Killzone. I loved KZ3, just nobody on my friends list played it so it was all solo, which again does diminish the experience on that game similarly to Battlefield.


Hope this helps.

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Nice write up old man.


I had a couple of games last night, absolute hoot. I'm addicted to the XM25 at the moment, on Zavod it's just so much fun popping snipers off the roof when they think they're behind cover. If anything, I find everything too busy. Baddies don't stick out a much as I'd like them to, but I might need to turn down some effects to make them stand out more.


Brilliant game. Loving it!


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