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I think I prefer the standard UAV to the SAT COM; I still haven't quite worked out all the ins and outs of the new killstreak but with the classic UAV, you knew where you stood with it. 


Does anyone have any idea of how the SAT COM actually works in various situations? 


Thanks guys

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The more SAT COMs you have out, the more powerful they are is my understating.

Personally, I'm glad it's different because UAVs in MW3 could be annoying. They can be constant with people running Hardline (get one with 2 kills) and it also included in support. I bought Off the Grid because it's constant SAT COMs. I wish it wasn't even in the game, too easy to get and makes players too defensive.

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One SAT COM out means that an enemy in view of anyone on your team then shows up on the radar. Only if they are in the line of sight though.


Two out in the field produce the original UAV effect.


Three just speeds up the radar sweep.


and Four creates a slightly nerfed blackbird situation where you can see the direction that enemies are facing.




I still don't understand the solid enemy circles and circle outlines. Somebody said that it could mean they are on a different level (say, upstairs while you're downstairs) but I don't know.


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One SAT COM out means that an enemy in view of anyone on your team then shows up on the radar. Only if they are in the line of sight though.


Two out in the field produce the original UAV effect.


Three just speeds up the radar sweep.


and Four creates a slightly nerfed blackbird situation where you can see the direction that enemies are facing.




I still don't understand the solid enemy circles and circle outlines. Somebody said that it could mean they are on a different level (say, upstairs while you're downstairs) but I don't know.

I believe that a solid dot on the radar means that the enemy is on the same floor, a circle with an up arrow is the floor above and a circle with a down arrow is the floor below.


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Once people cotton on to wiretap I think the number of satcons will fall rapidly.


wiretap basically lets you tap into the enemy satcons, so effectively every time they put one down, its good news. As people earn squad points I think they'll move away from kill streaks that are as beneficial for the enemy team as they are for the friendlies

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UAV is better. But I like the fact that they've nerfed it slighty into the SatCom. As Bob said, once the game's been out a bit longer and people go for higher streaks.or use wiretap the spam will slow down.

With the stacking effect it actually lends itself to coordinating when to put them up with your team to get the maximum benefit

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Ah thank you for the clarity there.  Is there any way to counter them? I am still trying to adjust to the huge amount of perks on show!

Off the grid works i think, so really if you're playing solo the sat-com is basically useless on it's own because you need to co-ordinate them with your team to make them effective.


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Either Off The Grid is broken like it was in BO1 (can't remember what is was called there) or a ton of people are using Amplify. I swear everyone knows where I am even with Off the grid.

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I honestly thing Amplify is crazy good. I have a headset so I thought it was pretty good then I wasn't wearing it last night and it was just as loud on my tv.  But I agree even with off the grid it seems like enemies still know you are coming and from where.

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How is dead silence if someone has amplify? Can you actually run around unheard, or is pretty much useless against them?

next time we are online let's see in a private game. We can try with headset and without, see what happens.


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So I gave up Fully Loaded or wtf it's called for Dead silence. Also decided to plug in my turtle beach headset for the first time in 6 months. Definetly getting the drop on a LOT more people now.

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