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Ghosts is Trash on PC


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Infinity Ward is incapable of making a decent PC game. This has to be the worst CoD in years. Locked FOV at 65, locked FPS at 91, and the game looks worse than BO2, while the performance is terrible. Rather than rant myself, I'll let TotalBiscuit do it for me.



and for the few mistakes he made in the video (a couple of settings aren't at their maximum value, corrected himself with the perk system), here's the video for that


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Man sorry to hear dude. I feel for you. I dropped 60 bucks on BO1 on Ps3 and it was utter shite.


I really wish the FOV was higher on consoles. It looks awesome.

Funny you mention that; I had Black Ops for the PS3 and that was a great game but ruined by lag on a level I have never experienced before and will probably never see again.  Even with the local settings and running the risk of featuring in French lobbies with their (FR)UnCampe names, it was a terrible experience.  I don't have much luck with Call of Duty but Ghosts even with his poor settings and general appearance is more acceptable that some of the times I've had on these games! 

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Ghosts on the PC is ruined! Dunno if it was the recent update but every game now is plagued by lag and severe stutters in performance. It's even worse than DoubleXP weekend and there was only 9,000 players on earlier. The chat boxes are full of people complaining and quite rightly so.  I have never seen a game perform so appallingly and bear in mind I had Black Ops 1 on the PS3 lol!


Ghosts seemed fine a couple of days ago but this is atrocious. 

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It's getting to a point where the two biggest players are fucking up so badly that all it will take is a decent game that works to hammer them from the top spot. Both CoD and BF on PC are so knackered at the moment that they're barely worth playing. BF I'm sure has improved since the recent patch but the launch was a catastrophic failure.


People are saying that games are getting more and more complicated to make, and devs are getting worked harder, etc etc, but that argument falls apart when you realise that there are so many recycled elements from previous iterations, and even then, these are triple A titles: if you don't have the resources, then hire more. It's not that hard. The game coding industry is saturated with people trying to get their foot in the door, but the publishers would rather release a defective product and deny all this talent the opportunity to grow than hire some of them and release a quality product.


It's a joke really. If you went to the cinema and watched a film and had to come back numerous times to get the full experience you'd flip your shit, yet gamers seem to suck it up (myself included) and let these publishers get away with it.


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I guess I should try playing SP.


Haven't touched the game since the launch day and Ive made a decision not to buy a anything on launch ever again. *One personal tear.*


Is it even possible to refund a game that I've already linked to my Steam account? 

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It's getting to a point where the two biggest players are fucking up so badly that all it will take is a decent game that works to hammer them from the top spot. Both CoD and BF on PC are so knackered at the moment that they're barely worth playing. BF I'm sure has improved since the recent patch but the launch was a catastrophic failure.


People are saying that games are getting more and more complicated to make, and devs are getting worked harder, etc etc, but that argument falls apart when you realise that there are so many recycled elements from previous iterations, and even then, these are triple A titles: if you don't have the resources, then hire more. It's not that hard. The game coding industry is saturated with people trying to get their foot in the door, but the publishers would rather release a defective product and deny all this talent the opportunity to grow than hire some of them and release a quality product.


It's a joke really. If you went to the cinema and watched a film and had to come back numerous times to get the full experience you'd flip your shit, yet gamers seem to suck it up (myself included) and let these publishers get away with it.

Well said.  Looking at Ghost; the game doesn't seem to be a massive step forward that we were expecting.  The alleged new engine is probably not new and it doesn't feel new - it is probably the classic IW4 but renamed to avoid conflict in the community.  The maps aren't all dynamic like they seemed to be insinuating and the 'dynamic' features aren't all that impressive.  The game looks no better than MW2 in all honesty and how the hell in this day and age even with 9k online can't they get the game running consistently and efficiently is beyond me.  Today was a real shock for me and the many people I was in lobbies with and it just feels a massive kick in the teeth that they still cannot get it right.


They have the community grabbed by the balls and the flamboyant marketing is really just about pulling the wool over peoples eyes.  


Battlefield 4 I haven't touched for many days and I may very well speak to Trading Standards as the quality of the product is not what was advertised or declared by EA.  I am sick of being shafted by these cash-cow companies that promise so much but don't deliver. 

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