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CoD WWII Headquarters and 1v1 Mode


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Ready to take turns to kill Euan everybody? :D I'm really impressed to hear about most of the social md


Headquarters supports up to 48 people at the same time and takes place in a 'D+3' zone (three days after D-Day), showing off the launching grounds of major Allied.


The most exciting I've heard so far is entering 'The Pit' and challenging Euan, er, I mean someone to a 1v1.


Headquarters also has proximity-based voice chat, so you can talk to others who are also hanging out in the space between matches.


There's a firing range where you can try out weapons, and the range has target and you can challenge players to a contest in the firing range. That sounds like a great addition too.


The shittest part i can see is getting prizes when watching other people open loot crates. Yep. Watching virtual boxes being opened. Wtf.


Other than that though, some other decent updates (grabbed from Game Informer):


- There are daily and weekly quests you can take on to earn rewards.

- Players who take part in all the social elements stand to get more supply drops.

- You can look at leaderboards, check your mail, inspect other players' attributes, use emotes, check up on Call of Duty news, or watch streams from inside a virtual theatre.

- You can group up from inside Headquarters and head into multiplayer or zombies as a group.

- You can "kick a few objects around," hopefully a soccer ball.

- You can sit down and watch the 1v1 Pit matches.

- There will be "dynamic events" in Headquarters, too, one example being an "aerial scramble that drives players to anti-air guns to fend off the base from enemy aircraft.

- There could be seasonal events in Headquarters.

- The game's cosmetic items aim to be authentic and genuine for the time period.


This is actual decent news for a CoD imo. Let's hope there's no fuck ups with getting friends into the same HQ.


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