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So there are multiple roles within the world of competitive Rainbow 6 Siege, think of them like sporting positions. 


--- offense ---
Entry Fragger: (Frags are kills). This is your team mate who is pushing into an objective hard to get that initial kill (frag) and attempts to disrupt the enemy team early on/ kill the enemy roamers. Typically you will have someone drone in the entry fragger so you can guide them, or warn them about potential threats.


Flex: These are operators who are generally META dependent, and change with the map you're on... like using a Capitão, and Hibana on Oregon. These are your most versatile players in this spot, they usually are the ones droning our your entry fragger. This role can also change into a secondary frag player the later the round goes... (dropping into a hatch, planting the bomb, etc) Thatcher is a good example of a flex character, when his job is done you typically cycle into a more aggressive role. 

Support: This is kind of a confusing role. Currently the meta calls for using Blackbeard almost 90% of the time. This role evolves as the round goes on as a Flex player tends to be considered support early on. As a Blackbeard player your job is to hold angles and locking down certain avenues the enemy team can take as well as defending the bomb when the plant goes down. 


Utility: Buck, Sledge, Twitch, and in some cases IQ. A lot of teams play a very vertical game style... breaking floors to get angles above the enemy team, or below. You will need grenades pure and simple. The Twitch comes into play if you're team is getting beat up by an opposing Mira. 


--- defense ---

Support/ Anchor: Typically Mira, Echo, Smoke, Rook (not currently in meta), and Doc (can be played if you have a free operator, especially useful on maps where the offense can easily split the room in half with lines of fire.)


I need to single out Smoke here. He will be seen every game just like Blackbeard as he is the main man for entry denial with his toxic smoke grenades. You generally need 2 supports, maybe 3 depending on bomb site. Smoke cannot die early in the round. 


Roamers: These are your 2, and 3 speed operators.  This is entirely dependent on team strategies, but you always want 2 people playing off each other, have your main roamers (bandit and jager) learn to always trade off the others death, no death should go unanswered on the roam.


Flex: Pulse, Valk, and Castle... these guys can roam they can play site (It's recommended trying to do both in the same round, either early roam or late roam, important if an operator with a shotgun can make rotation holes for them to move freely)

Some common team comps:

Offense: Buck, Ash, Hibana, Thermite, Blackbeard... Twitch, Thatcher, Ash, Blackbeard, Thermite

Defense: Jager, Pulse, Bandit, Smoke, Mira



i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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Nice. I'd like it if you and the new guys could take us through a few of these roles. Any chance we can still try these out on PS4 too.

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