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Why...why would you bring me down like this, spectre? xD


And his explanation for picking that god damn Social Network guy made it even worse.

I'm beginning to think this guy has no f*cking idea what he's doing or that he even knows who Lex Luthor is! Make ME director, I'll give you the best damn superhero movie you've ever seen with your own 2 eyeballs!


F8ck this guy and the horse he rode in on.



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Ben Affleck was bad enough, now this douchebag?

Just when I got over Batfleck. Seriously.

Who's pole did this squirrely, no-talent weasel smoke to get this role?

Have you seen this?

What a complete cockbag, to borrow an amazing wordsmith's words.



Of course, I'm still going to watch the movie, but not at the theater. Nope.


No, of course, goes without saying. x)



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Have you seen this?

What a complete cockbag, to borrow an amazing wordsmith's words.


ohhhhh mannnnnnnnnn this girl.  i remember this.


i have a pretty dry sense of humor (which, as the title of the video suggests, totally means that i "want you to know i'm smarter than you.") so when this all first came out, i didn't even get how it was being interpreted as "bullying."  it just seemed like an actor having a little fun with a "reporter" who's clearly out of her depth. 


i dug up this post because i remember reading it at the time and agreeing with it:



was it dick-ish?  sure.  but i'd probably be tempted too after hours of fielding inane, repetitive questions from entertainment journalists.  and hey, i'm sure some people have an instinct to "defend the cute girl" here, but as her borderline-illiterate (and since-deleted) blog post proved, she could barely defend herself.  to sum it up, as the link says above, "All any of this means is that if one wants respect within the context of one's profession, one ought to conduct oneself professionally. That's not a guarantee that respect will be given, but at least it gives you a leg to stand on."


[and honestly, she could have run with his schtick -- she just wasn't quick enough.  any media reporter worth their salt should be able to roll with the interview instead of coming in with cutesy prepared bits and hoping the interviewee is game.  hopefully whoever generated her paycheck has since realized that putting a pretty face in front of the camera and hoping for the best isn't (always) a magic recipe for "entertainment journalism."]


TL;DR  she seems like kind of an idiot . . .  go Team Eisenberg (without, you know, endorsing his casting as Lex Luthor)

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review (by me)


Stop me when this sounds familiar. 


SHIELD - Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, has been infiltrated by Hydra. Their plan is to use the modern day database to track down every single possible threat (super-hero) that could thwart their plans, thus creating a list of people to be terminated. 3 helicarriers have been equipped with an exhorbitant amount of weapons. The idea is to launch them into the air and then link them up to satellites, and then kill everyone on the list.  Captain America asks, "How can they know everything about everyone?" - to which the bad guy responds, "How could they not?"


Captain America says to Nick Fury, this isn't freedom, this is fear. Nick Fury says we need to eliminate all threats before they happen.


Oh yeah, and the Hydra Scientist from the first movie that they released into a supercomputer to help them find everyone was brought over to the US after WWII during Operation Paperclip. They mention this in the movie. And that was a real Operation where the US recruiting Nazi scientists here to America after the war.


Also, at the end, Black Widow releases all of the SHIELD and HYDRA secrets to the internet (just like Snowden did).


I am ok with them taking elements from real life and weaving it into a story, and luckily they did it with the idea that the NSA/DHS/SHIELD were the bad guys and what they were doing has obviously gone too far. But after reading about this stuff all the time, I go to the movies to get a little escapism and instead I get this. I thought the movie was descent however, the plot was weak and only served to drive the action, where it should have been the action driving the plot.


Will this movie turn people on to the idea that our government has gone too far with its spying? I'm hoping it at least plants the seeds of that idea, which is what propaganda does in the end, afterall.


Real Life List of things they drew upon


  • Main Core - government list of people to be rounded up in event of a collapse, shtf, etc
  • Operation Paperclip - Nazi Scientists brought to America after WWII
  • NSA spying on everything
  • Government using Fear to keep people in line
  • People trading Freedom for Security (it was even said in the movie)
  • Government Agencies being infiltrated and taken over by Corrupt Elites.

These are all things that I have brought up here on the forums in various current affairs topics.


Keep calm and question nothing.

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Have those plebs even seen other Batman media that WASN'T the movies?

Christ in sweet n' sour sauce...



The ears do look a bit small, like the 1s on the comedy TV series...

It defintely reminds of his costume in The Dark Knight Returns




Remember, this Batman is supposed to be retired from being Bats, just like his comic counterpart.



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It defintely reminds of his costume in The Dark Knight Returns




Remember, this Batman is supposed to be retired from being Bats, just like his comic counterpart.


High res Affleck suit image

I was just about to put this in the shoutbox, glad I checked here:

...So they chose the Frank Miller - The Dark Knight Returns Bat Suit with the short ears and slightly modified huge chest logo. I’m hard to please but that chest bat bothers me.










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Anyone looking forward to X-men Days of Future Past? I am. !



i changed my facebook cover photo to this for the week!  (. . . he said like a douche-y millenial.)









in other news, Channing Tatum was cast as Gambit. lol


Magic Mike 2:  Bayou Nights.  fingers crossed for Jonah Hill as Rogue.

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lmao, jonah hill as rogue.


I'm gonna watch this next Sunday, can't wait. So far, the reviews seemed to be of high praise. And I'm also looking forward to Apocalypse now that it looks like this one turned out good.



ps Fuck Last Stand.


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Marvel Universe



Keep calm and question nothing.

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You guys heard about the Justice Leauge movie coming out after MOS2?

It's gonna have Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and more.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm more looking forward to that than the next Avengers movie.



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