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I'm not gonna go into too much detail, but just want to ask a few of you guys here if you have ever been in this situation.


A good friend called me tonight, he just broke up with his GF of the past year. I've known him and her for the same amount of time (just over a year) and I wont lie, when I meet them both...I feel in love with this girl. Just fuckin perfect (only no red hair ;)) but 6ft tall, dark hair, green eyes, full lips, sexy ass neck and beautiful tits and ass, just unreal and awesome looking IMO. You ever meet someone and just all the sudden feel like "holy shit where the hell have you been all my life??" That's how I felt when I meet this girl. It wasn't just how sexy she looked but just in talking to her for 20mins she was just so damn sweet and awesome it was unreal. But I never once did anything because she was my friends GF. Now he calls me tonight, they broke up a few weeks ago. I was being a friend to him tonight and will continue to be, I wont persue this chick even though I swear to God I have seriously dreamed about her for two weeks after we meet (no shit) :lol: But man o man it's hard to stay a friend when you feel like you meet the perfect woman.


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I've been in that situation and didn't act on it, I got over her eventually.

But I've also been in the situation and acted upon it, that one ended badly and I lost quite a few friends because of it.



I lost quite a few friends because of it.

That's the whole thing there. I think she is just unreal man, but I know if I acted on this I would lose him as a friend in a heartbeat and he's proibably one of the most down to earth good guys I have ever meet in my life, so if I hurt him I'd probably never forgive myself for it :(


God I wish I meet her somewhere else :lol:



I know you don't need approval, this is a place to vent and share opinions. I've told you my experiences to help you decide what you should do,just make sure that your decision is right for you.

I've honestly already made the decision, that's not an issue. Just need whine a bit about it I guess more than anything. Because I think she is one of two girls I have ever thought was nice enough to dream about, and the other one I was engaged too :ph34r:



Women mess with our heads so much it's not even funny. Even when they don't even know it themselves.

When they DO know it though, damn bitches be twisted.


^ No insight whatsoever. Just wanted to vent because I have a girl I can't stop thinking about as well.



I don't know. How serious was this relationship and how much would he care if you tried anything with her?


Their relationship is over so it might not be that big a deal to him. It would not be that big a deal to me if a friend went out with one of my Exs as long as he wasn't the cause of the break up but no everyone feels that way. I think maturity matters a bit in this case. 


There are just not that many good women out there, if there happens to be one you connect to strongly then it's worth considering.


I guess the cause of the break up would also matter to me. Did she do something that would upset you? That would be more important to me.

Jeeves - fetch my waders! There's too much drool on this thread!! :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork


Dude.... honestly, one of my best mates, who was more of a brother than my actual brother had a girlfriend. We had the most amazing chemistry between us. Whenever we saw each other, there was just something there. Not just me liking her, but something going both ways. It was so damn obvious. I'd never, ever ditch a mate for a girl though, so in the end I avoided going to his house. 



Dave, i'm sorry mate but i read your post about chemistry..........then glanced at your avatar.... :) :) :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

  On 10/23/2013 at 5:31 PM, Xethius said:

Bros before hoes, it's worth a mention.

preach !








Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


  On 10/23/2013 at 5:31 PM, Xethius said:

Bros before hoes, it's worth a mention.

But you can't bang your bros.

Well you could, but that's a big lifestyle decision.


  On 10/23/2013 at 8:30 PM, Cassidy said:

I actually kind of just got thrown into a situation like this, but on a much more massive scale. If you guys want to know, i'll type it out when I get home. Needless to say, I'm fucked.

Metaphorically, physically or both? :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork


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