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  • Getting 2 ultimates, her teleporter functionality is staying the same. New ultimate is a shield generator that doesn't need line of sight and gives an AoE of shields to teammates. Shields from generator are supposed to be a lot more than the 25 she can currently give with her ability. No longer has shield giving ability. Picture of new ult. It gives 75 shields that persist like her current ability's shields do. You don't seem to need to stay close to the generator to keep the shields. I'm not sure about the mechanics of keeping the shield when leaving the radius of the generator, nor do I know how big it's radius is. 
  • Both ultimates will be getting more hp than current iteration's teleporter, some of that hp in the form of shields, so they don't die as quickly as her teleporter does currently. {} Teleporter HP reduced to 50 from 200, increased shields to 350 from 0. The 350 health from shields will regen if not taking damage for a certain amount of time.
  • New ability to replace shields, Photon Barrier: Similar to rein shield and winston's barrier. It's a barrier that's projected on a sort of track that moves along. Here's a picture of the Barrier, and here's a video of the shield in action. It has a 10s cooldown.
  • Minor tweaks to turrets, now you start with 6 turrets and can stockpile up to 6 with cooldown. They also have 10s cd instead of 12s.
  • Also extended the distance of the left click beam. Not a significant increase, just something to feel better. {}Increased from 5m to 7m.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

I'd like to learn a healer so I can be more adaptable to what the team setup looks like. I've found in 1v1 games when I have to use her she's actually quite fun and tactical because of her turrets. I can see her being really useful trying to find the annoying spots to slow down the other team.

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