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I guess we lost a weeks worth of posts?

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Apologies for the issues guys. I have actually been busy trying to resolve it, and it's been a bit of a mission but I *think* we should be in the clear now. Basically the hosts found some malicious code on the site and their servers pulled it automatically which is why we had a server error. The site only auto backs up once a week which is why we lost that much content. 


Please be vigilant over the next few days and if you see anything untoward, let me know as soon as possible. We are apparently on a new shiny server now so that may make the site run a bit smoother but only time will tell.



Once again apologies for the outage, hopefully it's resolved once and for all!


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No need to apologize Dave. Just making people aware that stuff they posted may no longer be around. 


Shit happens and I know you got loads of other important things to do.


Are the old posts going to be restored somehow? If not, no big deal, we can just post stuff again (Except for T&A which apparently tragedy :) )

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