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Today's activities (share your pics)


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Figured rather than just post a thread with these pics, how about a long on going thread that everyone updates each day with what they are doing. Somewhat like "What are you listening to today or last movie you watched" threads, only pics of what you are doing/did today. So I'll start it off with some pics from the Zoo. Spent the day there with my Sister/Niece & Nephew and Niece's BF. Feel free to jump in and add your own pics each day of what's going on in your life...













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I cut the grass in 108° heat..


I don't have pictures, but I did take 3 showers, I had to stop around 130, as the heat was way to intense as here, that is the hottest part of the day. I just finished about 20 minutes ago.


I really wish I was a penguin right now, because that looks like a ton of fun

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Just finished this custom rod up for a customer this morning. Next month is my annual 16 day Au Sable vacation fishing trip so I'm bustin' ass trying to get all caught up on rod orders right now. Actually headed up to the cabin tomorrow & Thursday but not to do any fishing. Have to go up and replace some ceiling panels and get the cabin in shape for vacation.


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One of the coolest places I've ever fished was in Jim Thorpe, PA on the Lehigh. You should check that out someday

That's on the other side of the state from me, but if I'm ever over that way I'll check it out.


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Spent the past two days up at the cabin getting some work done before I head up next month for vacation. The ceiling over the couch had been falling down for the past year now so I completely ripped all that out and replaced it. Then the center of the living room had some spots that were falling so I ripped those down and replaced then with some new boards and then painted the whole thing with some mildew/mold killing paint. Much better looking now than it was. Was a pain in the ass doing it alone trying to hold heavy board up and drill/screw them in at the same time. But got it done and now I won't have to work during vacation next month.


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Spent about 5 hours today getting the boat ready for vacation. Normally I just have to clean it up to get it ready, nothing major most years, but this year I had to do some rewiring. The bilge pump has not been working for the past year and I can't have that not working. So had to rewire it today. As handy as I am with most thing my nemesis is electrical work, I absolutely HATE doing electrical work. Worked out well though and got it all rewired and new switch in and working well now. Ready to go chase some pike & bass for 2 weeks on the Au Sable :)


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(this will be the last thread I poke at/sort of see about reviving for the day)


This would be a good thread for @TurboR56Mini  to also post in when we do our walks and eventual hikes.


As for me? What did I do today? Let's see... I skipped the gym due to not sleeping well and being sore from MMA.


Out of odd curiosity... I'm going to start tracking the forming of a bruise on my shin from my heavy bag kicking work from yesterday. Because... this thread asks for photos?



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