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The pooch, did I screw it?


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I suck at office politics.  I think I may have just stepped on my dick.


As the majority of you know, I'm a detective with a large police department.  I currently work in Homicide & Robbery on the Robbery side.  I take robberies and aggravated assaults involving a knife, gun, or any time someone is put in critical condition but doesn't die.


Due to manning and overtime issues, the LT is splitting us up.  Robbery detectives will still continue to respond to robberies and agg assaults, but a special 5 man unit will do all follow up work on agg assaults.  This is the most time consuming thing we do.  This will free the Robbery guys up to focus more on robberies and will cut over time.

The Agg unit is supposed to be a cherry gig.  Its week days only (every 6th weekend) and day shift.  You don't have to go out on runs, you have all of your time for followup.  Three of the five have already been picked, and they are all top shelf detectives with at least 10 years in Investigations.


The LT has asked me twice in person if I was thinking about going to the new Agg unit.  He had asked for volunteers, and he's got at least 5 that I know of, and like I said 3 slots are already filled.  I know he wants me to take it, which is an honor because I've got just over a year in Investigations and he's putting me in the same category as the better old timers.  However I REALLY don't want it.  I don't want to do all followup work, I don't want day shift, I don't want weekdays only.  It would also cost me about $400-$500 a month in overtime.


So both times I told him I was happy where I'm at and really didn't want to move.  Today he calls me at home and asks if I'm still thinking about it or am on the fence.  I told him "No, Sir, I'm not thinking about it and definitely not on the fence, I don't want the schedule or just to do followup.  I'm happy right where I am, I like working for Sgt. XXX, the schedule works best for my family, and while I appreciate the opportunity I really want to stay where I am."    I didn't want to leave any ambivalence on the table.


Now he can assign me wherever he wants, that's how detectives work.  I don't have any union protection for shift bidding like I do on the street.  He's a super nice guy and I don't think he'll assign me against my will.  If he does I'll probably try to transfer to a different shop, which would suck, but I really like my OT and my schedule.


So, guys with more political expertise than me, did I step on my dick by being so forceful?  Was there some better way to remove all ambivalence on the third try?  Again, the LT is a great guy to work for, he's not petty, I'm not worried about retaliation, but I don't want to create conflict out of what he sees as a compliment, either.

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would being in that department be a step down, step up, or step sideways ?



Sorta up, sorta sideways.  Same office, same title, etc. but its a vote of confidence in your abilities to be put there.  Especially when they offer it to you and you didn't volunteer for it.

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sounds like you did fine. What I read in there is that you said you wanted to do what you are good at and like to do. I would think the like the honesty and prefer to have someone doing something they like rather that than something they are "forced to do"

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It sounds pretty much the perfect answers for me. It's not like you just gave a flat no answer. You gave perfectly good reasons why this doesn't suit you at this point in your life. Hopefully they'll see that and respect your wishes.

Good luck buddy!

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I don't think there's a correct defacto answer as politics is all about the personalities involved. The right way to handle it depends a ton on your personality, his personality, and your relationship. From the sound of things you did fine, he probably just really wanted you for the job so didn't want to take no for answer. If he's not the petty type then this should be the end of it I'd think.


If your relationship is good, you could also go to him or fire him an email saying "hey, I hope you're not offended I didn't take the job, I really do appreciate it, it's just better for my family this way blah blah blah."

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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should've gone with, "Chief or i'm out, bitch."


(seriously tho, if you hadn't been clear then they might've assigned you to something you didn't want.  i'd say it's ultimately best for everyone if they put people where they actually want to be.)


i stepped on my dick once.  damn semis.

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Sorta up, sorta sideways.  Same office, same title, etc. but its a vote of confidence in your abilities to be put there.  Especially when they offer it to you and you didn't volunteer for it.

the only thing im thinking, is that it depends on where you want your career to go and if its a route to the top.


these sort of things could come back to bite you if you wanted a higher position. maybe they are looking for someone who is willing to take on a new role, with greater responsibilities.

in the long run, would doing this position for a year or two help to progress your career ? (assuming that is something you might want)







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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the only thing im thinking, is that it depends on where you want your career to go and if its a route to the top.


these sort of things could come back to bite you if you wanted a higher position. maybe they are looking for someone who is willing to take on a new role, with greater responsibilities.

in the long run, would doing this position for a year or two help to progress your career ? (assuming that is something you might want)


The only place I could go that's more prestigious is across the room to the Homicide part of the office.  I have no desire to do that. I don't want the hours, I don't want to deal with infant deaths, etc.


If I ever put in for sergeant, its a promotion process based on testing, interviews, etc.


LT put out his list of 5 this afternoon, and I'm not on it, so it looks like we're good.  He didn't say anything else about it and was his usual self, so I don't forsee any issues. 

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