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You know what they say, take care of your fucking self because no one else will. 


Seriously though man... so are you just going to "take care" of everyone for the rest of your life?  At some point you have to let people fall on their ass so that they can see that they need to get their shit together.  Sometimes a little tough love is needed. 


I'm sure you've heard of something called enabling.  You're enabling them to continue to live in their own shit.  The best way to help people sometimes is to stop helping them. 




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Nothing I can say can really express my reasoning adequately...it may be stupid and sound like a 1-way street, but that's just the person I've shaped up to be.

I'm no enabler. I help those in need and do so with a smile, even if deep down I know I havent really made a difference in the long run.

The thing is...my mom is no deadbeat.

As much as I complain, she works 12-hour shifts to care and feed 4 other people.

What am I supposed to do if she DOES have cancer?

Just clean my hands of the situation and take care of myself?



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Move out.  Get a job.  Put yourself in a better situation to help her.  Right now you're costing her money to feed you, electricity for your xbox, etc.  Move out.  Take care of yourself.  You can put yourself in a position where you're able to help her out if she does have cancer.   




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There is tons of blue collar jibs in San Diego BTW.


Oh sh*t, what a site!

I had to refine in to Spring Valley (San Diego is too broad), but still, this will be useful.

I can see myself as a security guard...

Just need a guard card and I know where I can get one.

Yeah..this can work. I mean, I used to tar roads and do landscaping, fending off punk kids will be a zinch.

Thanks Tiger!



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I would say GTFO of California.  You know how much it costs for a 3 bedroom apartment in the suburbs of Atlanta?  You can get into a middle of the road 3 bedroom apartment for less than $800 in a normal suburban neighborhood (not the ghetto).  1 bedroom around $400.


Oh, and there are plenty of hourly jobs available.  They're literally everywhere.


Seriously Datte.  I like you man.  I think your selling yourself short especially if you have a 3.5.  Tommy is right.  You'll never be in a good position to really take care of others if you keep doing what you're doing and working at wal-mart.  You'll never save shit, you'll live paycheck to paycheck, and you'll just fumble through life with your head barely above water.  Go to college, get a real degree (NOT ART), buy a house, and move your family in if you want to.  Your mom wouldn't have to work.  You could probably go to college for next to nothing considering your economic situation.  Looked at Pell grants?  There are tons of options, but yeah......its up to you.  If you don't have the drive, this is all meaningless advice.

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I would say GTFO of California.  You know how much it costs for a 3 bedroom apartment in the suburbs of Atlanta?  You can get into a middle of the road 3 bedroom apartment for less than $800 in a normal suburban neighborhood (not the ghetto).  1 bedroom around $400.


Oh, and there are plenty of hourly jobs available.  They're literally everywhere.


Seriously Datte.  I like you man.  I think your selling yourself short especially if you have a 3.5.  Tommy is right.  You'll never be in a good position to really take care of others if you keep doing what you're doing and working at wal-mart.  You'll never save shit, you'll live paycheck to paycheck, and you'll just fumble through life with your head barely above water.  Go to college, get a real degree (NOT ART), buy a house, and move your family in if you want to.  Your mom wouldn't have to work.  You could probably go to college for next to nothing considering your economic situation.  Looked at Pell grants?  There are tons of options, but yeah......its up to you.  If you don't have the drive, this is all meaningless advice.



This dude makes sense. 


Datte, what are you costing your mother in food and stuff now? Would the loss of your contributions towards the household be negated by your absence? If so, get the hell out and start building your own life. I was also in your shoes at one point, mother in debt, earning a pittance, just a general rut. I moved to London, started setting myself up and now I earn a good living and have paid off most of my mother's debt for her. She's happier as her living conditions have improved, she now has a son she can actually be proud of, and she's a happier person for it. 


Seriously bud, this might be the time for you to spread your wings make your own path in life. 


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