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Okay, here are the basics.


Can Game X beat this?


Mission Count - 282

Earth      15

Mercury  15

Mars       20

Venus     15

Jupiter    15

Saturn     24

Sedna     28

Phobos   22

Uranus   26

Europa   20

Eris         29

Neptune  16

Ceres   22

Pluto   15

Best part - The maps for every mission are Random! 
They are also seperate from the Storyline quest missions, Alerts, Syndicate missions, or various wars that pop up. I can't even count the number of those that you get.
This also doesn't count the Tower missions, or the Dark Sector missions or PVP (Who honestly gives a fuck about PVP though)
How many frames
Each with 4 distinct abilities.... (Hope you enjoy 3 classes!)
Also, this doesn't count the Prime Frames
Still not counting Prime weapons..... Notice the trend? I stopped fucking counting things because I didn't want the other games to feel bad, or for you all to feel bad because your weak ass game can't compete with a free game..
(Still not counting!)
(Instead of counting the weapons I didn't count, I am going to sit here and wonder just WTF you all are doing NOT playing this game)
Sentinels and Kubrows
Oh your game doesn't have NPC back ups that help you out? 
(Holy shit I am out of numbers.I can't count anymore! I now understand how my neighbors feel when they run out of toes)
Mods are for Frames, Weapons, Sentinels, Kubrows, Archwings...
(Still out of numbers, and lists this big need some sort of AI from IBM to calculate!)
Randomized Maps.
Cause fuck it, Planets are huge, why lock players into small slivers that are lifeless and easily memorized.
(If you come across the same map twice, you need to leave your ship, cause you are being lazy!)
There are 24 color palettes to choose from in this game, each palette has 90 colors.
(24x90= 2160 Eye Boner popping options!)
Imagine if a tornado picked up a Skittles factory and then shit it out over a Crayon factory, and you might be close to the crazy shit this game lets you pic. Your eyes will literally puke rainbows from the options you have
Oh and there are 5 sections of each Frame to color. (Math is hard, I give up!)
Oh yea, and you can also change the skin of weapons, your Kubrows, Sentinels, and ship.
Hate the way your frame or weapons look? change the fucking shape with Appearance mods. 
But sure, enjoy your series of lame assed Faction skins to choose from.
In closing, look at your game, then look at this list, then look at your game again, then look back at this list, then look at what your game cost you, then look at this Free game
Instead of feeling bad for yourself, realize you still have time to change your life for the better
In closing, fuck whatever game you are playing, if it isn't warframe

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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All valid points... but I'd rather be playing League of Legends.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

All valid points... but I'd rather be grasping a man's firm buttox.

Seriously though, you outta jump on now and then. Haven't heard from you in a while.


Seriously though, you outta jump on now and then. Haven't heard from you in a while.


I'll join you guys this week sometime.  When will you be on?




This is the greatest thread ever. It’s what I’ve been wanting to say but was too worried about other peoples’ feelings to drop a 10 megaton truth bomb on them. I try to confine my fanboyism to my ppr, but no more!! Some folks clearly didn’t want to hear it when I was promoting ME3 and everyone was still over the moon for Destiny. Now it’s Warframe and The Division. People seem to get insecure about their game of choice when they hear others praising something else. Whatever, get the fuck over it.

The Division is dead. The last two posts in The Division whatsapp chat are on March 31st when Chad left the group, and April 1st when Chris left the group. No one has had anything to say since March 28th. Destiny was mostly dead, but apparently it’s good again since The Division turned out to be a wad of suck*.

By comparison, the Warframe chat on whatsapp will blow up my phone if I don’t check on it at least once an hour. The enthusiasm is incredible. So it’s not just me drinking the kool-aid. It’s a fantastic game that the more you invest yourself in it, the better it becomes—exponentially. Try it, play it, keep at it, start asking questions, and watch as a universe of infinite possibility unfurls before you.

It’s free to play, but obviously if you get into it, you will want to spend money and in some ways, you’ll feel like you have to. So don’t go into it thinking it’s free forever. Go into it thinking (if you like it) you’ll spend about the same amount as you would on any other game plus dlc, but with the advantage of total control over how much you spend, when and on what, without it ever affecting your ability to team up with mates.


*My own personal feelings on Destiny are that it was a great game, deeply flawed in some respects, but fun to play regardless and good times were had by all. At this point, I’ve had my fill of it and I’m not a fan of the direction I see them taking the franchise.

/Bart – I believe there are just under 800 different mods…

//The neighbors counting toes comment was great.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

So honestly outside of the social aspect I believe I would have rather played warframe than destiny. Now I know the release date of games will come up instantly and that's a valid argument but the way I see it is this.


Warframe was released 1 year, 5 months and some odd days before Destiny. Destiny does have a 10 year plan and apparently Warframe was very different, and bland at it's inception as well. The content different between Destiny and Warframe is staggering, where Destiny cannot hold a candle to what Warframe has to offer. The key for me is the Destiny franchise is not ever evolving and continuing to build like Warframe. Warframe has been free from the beginning, whereas Destiny you will constantly have to buy installments. Destiny, plus the three expacs and this mysterious one in the fall, then Destiny 2. You constantly have to buy sequels or expansions. When Destiny 2 comes out all of Destiny 1, outside of your character model is fucking gone. 

To me Bungie is just continuing the name, not building the franchise. Yes I played around 1200 hours and was a progression minded raider for the game, and boy I blew through it which makes me in the top 5% of players in the game. But still, the game is really lacking to a free to play model. Playing with everyone here at Forever Gaming trumps whatever game I like and don't like though, community is more important to me.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

So is it compulsory to play Warframe?

Nope, I did try it out and I didn't really like it, it's not my type of game and that's it, I like cod ( if it's a good one) I liked destiny and battlefield even hardline. I play games I like I couldn't give two shits about endless universes and mods and customization tbh that stuff bores me, but that's me. I also don't care what others play either so enjoy Warframe ,mass effect, fallout or even chess. :)

At least these days we seem to have a choice.

Gary pretty much summed up my thoughts. I tried Warframe a long time ago and just didn't care for it at all. I have it installed, perhaps I'll give it a go again when I feel like socializing, but i'm still playing the wad of suck game known as the Division and other games that I want to play. It's also comical to hear some of you guys that haven't even played the Division, shit on it. Really funny. Lol

Its almost as if you two are taking this thread seriously.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

Its almost as if you two are taking this thread seriously.

I laughed and gave an lol. I'm good. Lol



(I feel sorta dirty being in alabama and posting this sort of pic knowing the racial tension inherent in the system)

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

I'm taking this thread dead serious.

All I did was go to a meeting...


Viva la revolucion

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

There is a thread about Lee sleeping?


Is there like a webcam?

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

This is the greatest thread ever. It’s what I’ve been wanting to say but was too worried about other peoples’ feelings to drop a 10 megaton truth bomb on them. I try to confine my fanboyism to my ppr, but no more!! Some folks clearly didn’t want to hear it when I was promoting ME3 and everyone was still over the moon for Destiny. Now it’s Warframe and The Division. People seem to get insecure about their game of choice when they hear others praising something else. Whatever, get the fuck over it.




Well people don't always go and try stuff at first and then it doesn't get the amount of traction that it could. 


Just think with Warframe, you started playing about a year and a half after a few a us were playing it. I think I even told you that you most likely would like because of the similarities for ME3.  You were busy enjoying something else at the time



I play Warframe and I enjoy it, however my issue with it is knowing what the fuck is going on most of the time. Something like the division or Destiny is relatively straight forward to understand what is going. You have to be willing to invest a lot of time in Warframe to enjoy it

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