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WiFi Question

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I have a question about WiFi, maybe I have some kind of setting wrong or maybe it's time to upgrade? I'm not sure. So let me explain.


While playing Black Ops 3, I have a moderate NAT type. While i'm playing, the gameplay will be pretty good and then whenever Jake gets on his PS4 my game lags so freaking hard I have to get off because it's unplayable. I noticed when he is on before me and I get online my NAT type turns to strict. I don't really know the reason for that either. I also want to factor in that my other nephew has an Xbox One and I really can't compare times as to when he is on unless I hear him through Jake's microphone. At one point I just kept my PS4 on throughout the day just to keep my moderate NAT type when they were over.


That one day I left my PS4 on in my room while the boys were on their console, I went downstairs to watch a bluray on the other PS4 with the family and my brother came down and said that something happened, they are moody, because they were completely kicked off.


I have a lot of devices hooked up to my WiFi but the consoles are the only thing that I can notice this connection loss with. I can't even see my friends list when they get online.


Any ideas?

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As for the Wifi is it possible that you have the same IP address on multiple consoles and therefore they conflict? It sounds to me like there is an address conflict or the signals are interfering 


I know that my IP address is static in order to forward my ports, if the two consoles were setup the same way it would be a problem. 


Also run the network tests from the PS4 with the different situations. See what your signal strength says. Does the strength go down when the other device is turned off? 


I've notice something similar when my daughter uses her laptop. The connection goes to shit on the PS4 when she turns on the computer. Yet we have 5 other computers in the house, none of those affect anything. I haven't figured out why however. What does seem to help is to restart the router/modem


Is your modem a dual band modem? Does your modem have the ability to prioritize traffic? Some modems can give a certain device or band higher priority that others. I know that the PS4 operates on the lower band which is usually the one that has lower priority (2.4 GHZ). Most device operate on the lower band which means they need to share the bandwidth 

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When playing Call of Duty games; ALL ports should be 'Open' - playing on 'Moderate' means you cannot be chosen as a host and may experience restricted voice chat outside of a party. Playing on 'Strict' will only match you with players playing on 'Open' which can reduce the efficiency and quality of the matchmaking and cause connection issues. You also can't host a match and experience zero voice chat outside of a party. Add or open port 3075 on your router and see if that works. 

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Are you able to run a wired connection to your PS4 Sam? That would be a good starting point

No, I'm not.

As for the Wifi is it possible that you have the same IP address on multiple consoles and therefore they conflict? It sounds to me like there is an address conflict or the signals are interfering

I know that my IP address is static in order to forward my ports, if the two consoles were setup the same way it would be a problem.

Also run the network tests from the PS4 with the different situations. See what your signal strength says. Does the strength go down when the other device is turned off?

I've notice something similar when my daughter uses her laptop. The connection goes to shit on the PS4 when she turns on the computer. Yet we have 5 other computers in the house, none of those affect anything. I haven't figured out why however. What does seem to help is to restart the router/modem

Is your modem a dual band modem? Does your modem have the ability to prioritize traffic? Some modems can give a certain device or band higher priority that others. I know that the PS4 operates on the lower band which is usually the one that has lower priority (2.4 GHZ). Most device operate on the lower band which means they need to share the bandwidth

I'm thinking the IP address conflicts too. The questions about the modem I'm not sure. We just got a brand new modem, but the problems were there before we got a new one so it leads me to believe it's my router.

When playing Call of Duty games; ALL ports should be 'Open' - playing on 'Moderate' means you cannot be chosen as a host and may experience restricted voice chat outside of a party. Playing on 'Strict' will only match you with players playing on 'Open' which can reduce the efficiency and quality of the matchmaking and cause connection issues. You also can't host a match and experience zero voice chat outside of a party. Add or open port 3075 on your router and see if that works.

Can you recommend a video? Or is someone able to call me and walk me through some stuff? I'm pretty clueless with this stuff.
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No, I'm not.

I'm thinking the IP address conflicts too. The questions about the modem I'm not sure. We just got a brand new modem, but the problems were there before we got a new one so it leads me to believe it's my router.

Can you recommend a video? Or is someone able to call me and walk me through some stuff? I'm pretty clueless with this stuff.

This video seems pretty popular although I haven't watched it


Some good information here http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/145062-call-of-duty-black-ops-iii/72384034 and http://www.playstationing.com/ps4/how-to-change-your-nat-type-on-ps4-and-ps3/839

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Thanks, I'll try and change the ports today and see if the nat will change to open. Could that really help that much?
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Thanks, I'll try and change the ports today and see if the nat will change to open. Could that really help that much?

Yeah, I've had problems in the past with this back on the old gen and experienced a torrid performance when the NAT wasn't open. With SBMM being a factor in CoD games now; it's even more horrendous. When you get it to open; you should see a more consistent and stable performance even if the rest of the household are hammering the wi-fi at the same time. You also wont experience disconnects - the ports being strict or moderate can see you get booted because of other devices simultaneously connected. A quick fix that works on some routers is to simply reboot them and if you're in luck; the ports should automatically open but you'd probably need all other devices disconnected at the time but this is just down to luck but the chances are you may have to do the more longwinded solution above. Good luck with it though and hope you get it sorted :)

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