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Court of Oryx


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yea, I read that Mini Crota was this weeks teir 3 court fight.


Also, apparently every third fight it resets back to 1? 

Do you know if that was confirmed?


also also, we need to get a 6 person group in on this!

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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might be going for level 3 tonight. Wish we could get 6 people in it but we need to find a random who will help us out and then piss off!




I posted instructions to get a 6 person team together. You shouldn't need a random at all, just two people to spam orbit hops

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Not sure how this works, do you all use a rune?No, only one person.

Can you go in solo and hope randoms help on the lower tier ones?yes.

I assume if ones going on you can join in but do you get some rewards?

Yes, I was getting rewards from other people's runes, but it seems like you get much less than if it's your own rune.


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CoO reminds me of a quicker version of PoE. Tier 1 and 2 drops are crap if you're high light, running it today... it just got boring.


Just like PoE, I don't see how this will last.


Perhaps the rotation of bosses will keep things fresh, maybe I just don't know much about it, I don't know. But just from my experiences the more I do it the more meh it gets. Just like PoE was ending up.

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CoO reminds me of a quicker version of PoE. Tier 1 and 2 drops are crap if you're high light, running it today... it just got boring.

I think it's fun. It's a way to break stuff up. Go spend twenty or thirty minutes doing these. Get plenty of engrams to decrypt.

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I think it's fun. It's a way to break stuff up. Go spend twenty or thirty minutes doing these. Get plenty of engrams to decrypt.


I think it would be fun with a group. I had fun with Travis and Rob when I did it. But when i'm just doing them with randoms it gets awful boring (just like most other games).


I see that it's something to change things up, but if I wanted loads of engrams, i'd just do heroic strikes at this point in time.


And if I help with someone else's rune, it would be nice to get something. I noticed sometimes I can get an engram to drop out of the chest, but most times just rep. Perhaps if it was a guaranteed engram every event I'd like it more. It's hard to activate a rune when 2-3 randoms are fighting over it too.


I hope they can keep this fresh though. It's a cool thing to have during patrols.

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Had a bash at this last night with Bob and Crispy. It's a nice little addition, but i didn't quite get it. Reward drops were inconsistent to say the least. The tier 1 fights were over in seconds, tier 2 wasn't much longer. Don't think we did a tier 3 but i guess it's just a 3rd boss at the same time.

However when you roll this up into the package of a standard patrol it's a great little addition that could have some legs if they refine it a bit

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