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Forum Cookbook


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I'll kick it off:


I own pancakes. Been perfecting them for over 12 years. My pumpkin pancakes are particularly devastating.
Base recipe:
2 cups milk
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
10 oz flour
1 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
3 Tablespoons butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
Mix the lemon juice and milk together first and set it aside. The acid in the lemon juice "sours" the milk, making it more like buttermilk. Then whisk together the dry goods in a mixing bowl. Never measure flour with a cup, or I'll find you and cut you. Get a cheap digital scale; your life will improve 10,000 fold. Melt the butter in a separate bowl. Don't get it ripping hot, just melted, otherwise it will start to scramble the egg. Add the vanilla and egg to the butter and whisk together. Now, nuke the milk/lemon mixture in the micro for a minute, just to warm it up. If it hits the butter cold it will cause the butter to solidify which leads to an icky mess. Add the warm milk/lemon to the butter, egg, and vanilla and whisk it all together.
You're griddle is ready right? Don't add liquid to the dry unless your griddle is hot and ready to receive. Dump the liquids into the dry and whisk them together, no more than 10 stirs, count 'em. Whatever lumps are left leave 'em. Over mixing leads to chewy pancakes, we want light and fluffy.
Use a measuring cup or laddle to scoop batter onto your griddle and you should be able to handle the rest.
Now, for variations to the base.
1 apple, diced, I like to spread the fruit evenly on top of the batter once I've finished my ten stirs. I like this a little better than stirring the fruit into the batter.
1/2 tsp cinammon added in with dry goods
additional 1/4 tsp of vanilla is optional
One banana, diced, spread evenly on top of batter
fist full of walnuts, chopped, spread evenly on top of batter with bananas
1/8 tsp ground cloves added with the dry goods (clove + banana = win)
1 cup blueberries or diced strawberries spread evenly on top of batter
1/4 tsp extra vanilla
1/2 cup pumpkin puree, wrapped in 6 or so paper towels to dry it out some, add this to the butter, vanilla, egg mixture.
3/4 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cloves
1/4 tsp allspice
spices added to the dry goods
Adjustments: If the batter is a little too thin (I like it pretty damn thick) reduce the milk by 1 once (2 Tablespoons). 
Have at it.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Reall cool idea J :)


I made ribs for the first time in my life this weekend, and I have to say they were disturbingly amazing.  Totally unexpected, I could not stop eating.  My wife took the leftovers to work and her co-workers said the same thing.  


I take no credit for the recipe as I found it online, but as soon as I have a free minute to find it again I will post it here.  

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Reall cool idea J :)

I made ribs for the first time in my life this weekend, and I have to say they were disturbingly amazing. Totally unexpected, I could not stop eating. My wife took the leftovers to work and her co-workers said the same thing.

I take no credit for the recipe as I found it online, but as soon as I have a free minute to find it again I will post it here.

I use the recipe from www.amazingribs.com

They truly are amazing.


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Not so much a recipe but some advice on cooking a steak, something that people get wrong so often!


Cooking the perfect steak by Gordon Ramsay.



Use a generous amount of salt and pepper to season the steak, and gently press it into the meat with your fingers. The thicker the cut of steak, the more salt and pepper you will need.

Use a heavy pan for cooking steak. Cast iron pans work best for this particular meal. Get the pan nice and hot, then add the oil. Wait for the oil to heat up, it should just start to smoke before adding the steak. Add the steak and push it down in the center with your fingers to ensure the entire steak is touching the bottom of the pan.


It’s very important to only flip the steak once during cooking. Moving the steak around while cooking it will only drain it of essential juices and lead to a less than desirable result. For rare, cook 2-3 minutes on the first side, then flip the steak. About 1 1/2 minutes into the second side, melt butter into the pan. Spoon the butter over the steak, ensuring to cover the entire steak. When the steak is just about finished, turn it onto it’s back, fat side down. Cook for about 30 seconds to reduce and soften the strip of fat. Remove steak from pan, and baste again with butter from the pan. Leave to rest, then slice if desired.


You can test doneness of the steak by comparing the firmness of the steak to parts of your hand. Rare is on your thumb muscle, near your palm, medium is near the outer edge of your thumb, and well-done is where your wrist meets your hand. Watch the video for a visual explanation of firmness. Embedding is disabled on the video for some reason, but you can watch it by clicking the link.

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If you've never had butter on your steak, you haven't had steak.

I can honestly say that I never have. 0.o

Then again, I'm not usually in the financial situation to afford some raw steak to prepare...

I guess now I have to MAKE a situation.

Thanks, jerk. x)



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