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Five years ago today


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I was standing at an "altar" at a chapel in Vegas. How she's managed to put up with me for five whole years is beyond me, she's an angel that lady. Best thing ever to happen to me was meeting my wife. If it wasn't for her, I'd be dead, in prison or rehab.


We're not doing a big anniversary thing this year, we've instead committed ourselve sto getting debt free and buying a house so we're just chilling with some films and I'm going to cook a nice dinner for the two of us tonight. Might sound boring but we rock every day so it's no biggie :)





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Quite clearly the best thing to happen to you was me but i'll forgive you ;)


But seriously congratulations to the both of you! You're both wicked people dude and two people i'm definitely glad to call friends. I'd say sitting in front of the tv watching some films is better than going out for a meal, at least you don't have to sit opposite sides of the table for most a night and you can actually have alone time together.


*raises coffee mug* to another 5 years and more! 



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