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I can't do it anymore


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Sometimes this game is still great though, just solo'd the last quest mission for the Urn quests, absolutely epic final battle against everything the hive can throw at you. Felt quite proud when I finished it , on my fourteenth attempt!

Now just got to wait for Xur to show up to give him the urn back and get a prize I hope

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Sometimes this game is still great though, just solo'd the last quest mission for the Urn quests, absolutely epic final battle against everything the hive can throw at you. Felt quite proud when I finished it , on my fourteenth attempt!

Now just got to wait for Xur to show up to give him the urn back and get a prize I hope

I'm pretty sure you will get gauntlets
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I totally agree with you on this issue. I loved Destiny when I first started playing, but ever since I saw the grinding needed to level up everything and how you would use so much time to do strikes, raids,etc...and you end up with nothing got frustrating pretty quickly. I think unless the loot system is changed, I don't see myself coming back to this game. I have a friend who is telling me how great the dlc is, but all it is to me is a mirage to make players think they are getting alot of content (3 story missions that can be completed in an hour is stupid) but I want to see new planets and tons of side missions, not just a new strike and raid. And like you said, I feel bad for those who spent countless hours grinding for a full set of raid gear and for this dlc to come out and make all that obsolete overnight is stupid and would piss me off if i had spent all that time and grinding my stuff and now people can buy at vendors gear that is instantly better. Also the fact that bungie punishes players who don't want the dlc by not allowing you to do the weekly heroic etc...and don't get me started on Xur. So Xur now allows you to turn in your old items and get a new upgraded one but now all the stats are reset and i have to grind again??? PLus what if I don't have the weapon to trade in that Xur is offering, so now i'm shit out of luck and have to hope next week he'll have MY weapon that i want to 'upgrade'? I have been playing dragon age and it feels so rewarding to do quests and missions and get rewarded accordingly and it kinda opened my eyes to the shit loot system destiny has. Getting away from destiny to a new game was a wake up call for me, and thus I Have pretty much stopped playing destiny. I don't blame you for your decision.

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Well, I'm back out on the ledge. I got invited to run Crota's End today and made it to the part before Crota. I even got a chestpiece. I didn't like it nearly as much as Vault of Glass, didn't really like it at all. My emotional reaction to getting the chestipiece: whatever. I don't like it, I don't want to wear it, but I have to if I want to keep up with everyone's light level and be able to partake in all the content. Fuck that. They are too many really, really good games out there to keep banging my head against this wall.


So onto the PS3. Stopped reading discs, so I took it apart to clean the lens. That went smoothly enough, but when I put it back together it wouldn't even accept a disc. Great. I've taken it apart and reassembled several times now; I can't sort out what's going on with it. At least they're only $250 or less now. Looks like I'm in the market for a new PS3.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Very sad to see you didn't enjoy the new raid. I absolutely loved it. And the new raid gear has a tattered feel and look to it which I like, looks nice.

But if you don't enjoy it anymore, you shouldn't play it. Even if these guys make strong points for you to come back, bottom line is that it isn't fun for you anymore and it really is time to move on. There are plenty of games out there, as you've said.

I still look forward to reading your ppr on anything that makes you excited. Because that's what video games should do. Make you excited.

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I have to agree about the new raid, from what I've done and now seen it just doesn't look as much fun as VoG,not sure if it's that the game is just not new.

I've nearly got 3 level 31 characters and I'm now starting to wonder what to do, game almost seems finished, no way am I grinding all that raid stuff to have it become obsolete again.

Will still like to run VoG, crota, weeklies and nightfalls etc as I like the team aspect of it but I can't keep up with all the bounties etc... Might spend some time in crucible.

But I guess bbf4amd Farcry will at least fry a look in over the hols.

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It just feels like there's no end to the tunnel. The only objective to this game is to get gear that is only slightly better then yours. There are no decent rewards. It is starting to get boring. I'm still enjoying some aspects of it but there's time where I'm like I have a million bounties to do. I've already done them a million times before.

I guess Im just in transition to the next game. They need to make a game similar to destiny but with a good story and more weapons and armor.

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You know when the perfect time to play Destiny will be? After House of Wolves, when all the content is on the table, the Light level becomes a stationary target, attack values hit their ceiling, and just generally speaking, all the dust has settled. That's the perfect time to _start_ playing.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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So onto the PS3. Stopped reading discs, so I took it apart to clean the lens. That went smoothly enough, but when I put it back together it wouldn't even accept a disc. Great. I've taken it apart and reassembled several times now; I can't sort out what's going on with it. At least they're only $250 or less now. Looks like I'm in the market for a new PS3.


my machine has the same issue here and there, but mostly it refuses to read Blu-Ray movies.  seems to read/run games no problem.  i might have to YouTube how to clean the lens, but that sounds risky for me since i'm tech-impaired for the most part.  PM me the pro-tips if you got 'em.

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I used to take apart my PS2 all the time

damn lens alignment was stupid.


The problem with an MMO type game, and waiting to play it because you want to avoid the grind, is that you will never avoid the grind.


They set this stuff up with moving goal posts from the start.


Its the largest reason why I will never play WoW again, and why I scoff at people that say each new expac is "different". Nope, Sorry, still the same, they just changed the color of the hoops you have to jump through to stay current.


I hate to see you go man, but I get it, I really do.

I'm not burnt out yet, but I only have about 80 hours invested so far, so its still groovy in my book.


//not to mention, I got Hawkmoon!

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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