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We were talking at work about phobias and all the things that are considered a phobia. So do you or anyone you know have a phobia? Here is a list of them.


And to think people are actually scared of some of this stuff

My wife is has Arachnephobia. She will freak out a freeze up if she sees a spider. It's actually quite comical until she wakes you up to kill a damn spider in the bathroom. She has actually put a cup over a spider and waited for me to get home to kill it.

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Heights are my fear, although I absolutely love to fly.


Reason for my fear of heights is that I almost fell off the roof of the Bank One building in Chicago. Flipping 1 North Wacker is the address if you guys want to see it. I was on the roof and heading into a Transmission tower room back in 2002, I was about 55 stories up when a coworker started jacking around.


I can't even get on my roof to clean gutters anymore; and I partially freak out when climbing out of my attic.


In another note, my wife's best friend is deathly afraid of clowns, all things clowns. Even dolls and stickers.


I can't imagine what would happen if she were to watch "It" by Stephen King


Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I don't have any that I'm aware of yet, but my father is deathly afraid of snakes. At the sight of a harmless garter snake, he loses all capacity for rational thought, screeches like a girl, and runs away.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I'm very afraid of mice. If I see one I do the whole nine yards. Then I'm afraid to walk around the house or have my feet on the floor. I end up sneaking around the house or refusing to do things without backup. My family never tells me if there is a mouse sighting.

Sent from my DROID4


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I'm very afraid of mice. If I see one I do the whole nine yards. Then I'm afraid to walk around the house or have my feet on the floor. I end up sneaking around the house or refusing to do things without backup. My family never tells me if there is a mouse sighting.

Sent from my DROID4

Any idea where this fear of such a benign creature comes from?


My dad was bit by a water snake. It latched onto his big toe and wouldn't let go as he kicked and screamed. I was too young to remember, but this is what I'm told. It was underneath an inflatable raft that my mom and I were in; he was pushing us out from shore and... snap. Life would never be the same.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I was always afraid of them. Then I had an incident which made me even more afraid of them. I was at high school and I always walked home with this girl that lived by me. We were cutting through the grass of the high school to get to the parking lot and then the sidewalk. Once I get 1-2 steps within the parking lot mid step I saw something running under my feet and I had stepped on it with all my weight as we were going down hill. I hopped into the air as high as I could and started screaming like a girl, then my girl friend started screaming because I was screaming. And here there is a mouse basically decapitated, twitching out and bleeding all over the parking lot. I'll never forget that and I still get chills when I think about feeling it move under my shoe. Anyways, I walked home traumatized. :(

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I don't think I have a phobia as such, I have a real dislike of heights when I'm not strapped in, i.e., I can do a rollercoaster and I can fly, so I can't really call it a phobia. I also dislike spiders and Celtic. Celtic might be my phobia.


Tam has a phobia of moths. It's funny.

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I have a extreme hatred for bees, wasps, hornets, etc. I'm not sure I would call it a phobia. I just try to kill everyone I see. Lol

Not gonna say I haven't ran like a little bitch from one though.

Three reasons I hate the bastards.

1. When I was a infant/toddler I had one land on my finger and I tried to pet it..... Didn't end well.

2. Was climbing a tree when I was a kid and found a Hornets nest in the tree, jumped off and ran like a lil girl. I still have nightmares about it.

3. Opened up a table umbrella once and there was a wasps nest that made its home under it. Got stung in the face 3 times.

Fuck bees.


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I have a extreme hatred for bees, wasps, hornets, etc. I'm not sure I would call it a phobia. I just try to kill everyone I see. Lol

Not gonna say I haven't ran like a little bitch from one though.

Three reasons I hate the bastards.

1. When I was a infant/toddler I had one land on my finger and I tried to pet it..... Didn't end well.

2. Was climbing a tree when I was a kid and found a Hornets nest in the tree, jumped off and ran like a lil girl. I still have nightmares about it.

3. Opened up a table umbrella once and there was a wasps nest that made its home under it. Got stung in the face 3 times.

Fuck bees.

One time, I was on the back seat of a car in the highway with the windows rolled down, and a bee got sucked in and embedded itself on my cheek. x)

Another time, I took a drink of a soda and felt squrming in my mouth.

I spit it out: a wasp. 0.o



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I have a extreme hatred for bees, wasps, hornets, etc. I'm not sure I would call it a phobia. I just try to kill everyone I see. Lol

Not gonna say I haven't ran like a little bitch from one though.

Three reasons I hate the bastards.

1. When I was a infant/toddler I had one land on my finger and I tried to pet it..... Didn't end well.

2. Was climbing a tree when I was a kid and found a Hornets nest in the tree, jumped off and ran like a lil girl. I still have nightmares about it.

3. Opened up a table umbrella once and there was a wasps nest that made its home under it. Got stung in the face 3 times.

Fuck bees.


Same goes. I was helping my aunt in MN move a trailer that had been on her land since she moved into the house. Little did we know there was a fkn hive or something under it and I got stung I don't know how many times. All I know is I ended up laying in the hospital over night and had stings all over me.

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Not to turn this into a bee thread but... two motorcycle stories.


Riding along *la la la la* bam, stung on the arm. Mind you I'm wearing a long sleeve leather coat. Bees can't sting through leather... it must be inside my jacket... The folks at the intersection must have been wondering why the guy on the bike was frantically beating himself. Oh yeah, it was an extremely busy multi-lane road with nowhere safe for me to pull off. That was fun.


Riding along *la la la la* wife on the back, headed out for breakfast. Notice a little something out the bottom of my eye, inside my helmet, can't really see it though. At a stop sign I reached in and flicked it out fully expecting a piece of fuzz or string to come out... nope... shiny blue wasp. Awesome.



If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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You guys wouldn't believe me if I told you. You know how much of a HUGE fisherman I am, I wade rivers all the time, love being on rivers and fishing and just being out on the water in my boat or wading etc etc. I have a fear of water, no BS I'm serious.


I think it comes from the fact that when I was a little kid and my dad tried to teach my sister and I to swim I would always take my fishing rod and fish rather than learn to swim, so now I can't swim for shit these days. I love the water and wade all the time, but once I get about waist deep wading it freeks me out so that's as deep as I wade. Had that my whole life, I don't even like to get water in my eyes when I shower. Yet I spend half my life on the water :wacko: I know, weird lol. Me being scared of water is like a pilot being afraid of heights :D


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