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Anything from 4-7 minutes, depending on your flying style and whether or not you're recording. Just make sure you get the model number exactly right, the non-camera models parts don't fit.


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Dave here's the stuff I have in my cart on Amazon that I am buying for him to go along with his drone. This should just about cover him for awhile. Anything else he might need that you can think of before I click submit order?




Link didn't work hold on let me try again.........



Next step - drone photography competitions.....check out this picture!! :o




Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork


That's awesome, but very irresponsible. A quadcopter capable of flying that high would shred an eagle into tiny little threads. The second place photo is also ridiculously dangerous. These things aren't toys, they're machines with blades that spin at ridiculolus RPMs, enough to decapitate someone. Not one blade, FOUR of them.


That second place one blows my mind/. If that thing lost power to one motor and fell onto those kids, they'd be scarred for life.



I wouldn't say the picture with the Eagle is irresponsible at all. If the guy was doing it on purpose and flying close to the bird then it would be, but back in the 80's when I was into RC planes we use to have hawks come and actually fly right next to our planes on purpose, sometimes they would even hit them and shred the body coverings. Hawks and other birds are inquisitive about other things that are flying and they will come over and check out what it is most times. And since they are so agile and fast there's not a lot you can do other that just keep flying and try to avoid them. So more than likely that bird in the pic just flew over and was checking the drone out without the pilot trying to do much other than fly.



Is it just me or does anyone else think these things should be illegal?  The last thing we need is a bunch of people flying these little fuckers all over the place.  Did anyone see this?  http://gizmodo.com/tgi-fridays-dumb-mistletoe-drone-cut-sombodys-face-open-1668233262


If I was out to eat and one of these fuckers hit me and cut me up like they did that woman, I would go ape shit.  Whats even more puzzling is that Friday's is calling this an "isolated" incident.  Really?  Do they have any lawyers around that corporate office?  If anything like this happens again, they're screwed.  Any Ken Nugent lawyer type out there could claim negligence and sue the shit out of them.  What idiots.


This is just one example of how stupid people are.  People can't be trusted with flying helicopters, certainly not ones with cameras on them.  I've seen videos of these things hundreds of feet in the air above dense neighborhoods and even 14 lane major highways.  What the fuck is that?  If one of those things came crashing down and hit someone they could cause serious injury.  There is no accountability because who the hell knows who is flying them.  Not everyone behind the sticks is Maverick from Top Gun.


I fucking hate these things.  They look like a ton of fun but there is no accountability and no reason to be responsible other than "I don't want to have to buy another one"

No reason for them to be illegal. If they were made illegal then you'd have to make all forms of RC illegal. RC cars can lose radio transmission and run out onto public roadways causing an accident, RC planes are more dangerous than the drones because they have much studier and faster spinning props and fly 100+mph, RC boats have super high rpm metal props and can do serious damage if they hit you. The thing is there will always be a small portion of the population that does stupid things with a product but that's no reason to punish everyone just because of the minority. If we passed laws making things that people can do stupid things with illegal then we'd be nothing but a nation of people sitting on our hands doing nothing, because some people will do stupid things with just about anything.



Give someone a stick and he'll find a way to fuck someone up with it, by mistake or intentional. These things, here in the UK at least, are heading towards some form of control measure at light speed, it wouldn't surprise me if it was announced tomorrow. These are great fun and should be treated with respect and consideration for others.


Sadly anyone can buy them, a 10 year old who just got his xmas money from Santa could walk into a store tomorrow and walk out with a machine capable of insane amounts of tissue damage or worse. Another factor is that they're easy to fly, but hard to master. Anyone can get them up in the air, but if there's a gust of wind or things get dicey, control is lost way too easily, which results in crashes.


The biggest problem however is that there's no way of finding the pilot. I could rig one of these up today and fly it 10 miles away, if it crashed and caused harm or damage, there's no way the law could trace it back to me, which is a massive fail. Granted this goes for most RC but for some reason these drones seem to attract idiots by the boatload.


We've had two incidents in the UK already where someone has flown over and airport with them, one of these airports being Heathrow, one of the busiest airports in the world. Then there are the guys who fly them over stadiums when there's a match on. Yes it's fun, and cool, and blablabla, but it's immensely irresponsible. It takes one small gust of wind, one small component failure, one lapse of concentration and you could literally kill someone.


It's no joke, I do think that these things need regulation, some form of training and certification and perhaps a minimum age for unsupervised pilots, because as it is now, it's a wild west where anyone can do whatever they want with very little consequence, if any.



I agree with you Steve but people aren't racing RC cars outside of parking lots and neighborhood culdesacs. RC planes are too complicated for 99% of people, so anyone who has one is likely experienced and only a complete idiot would try and fly them over dense neighborhoods.  They also need take off and landing space so naturally people are going to take them to open fields where they belong.  


You can pick up one of these quadcopters with a camera for $50, and brainless parents will hand them out to their kids to fly all over the neighborhood so they can spy on people because thats what 12 year olds do.  Any idiot can fly one of these things, and thats where it becomes an issue for me.  As much as I'm anti government, I think you should have to get a license to fly one.  Your license number should be imprinted on the quadcopter so when it crashes through the window of the Smith's next door who have a hot daughter, you're little Johnny will have to answer for his actions.


This article pretty much sums up my opinion on the matter:  http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/08/11/kanye-west-is-right-is-about-drones/

RC cars are ran everywhere around here. I use to run mine on my street as a kid and that was not a culdesac. There's a high school just down the street from me which is right next to a four lane main road and quite often there is a guy or two with a nirtro monster truck and even one guy with a badass helicopter in the field next to the high school right by the road. So I can't agree that it's different for other forms of RC because they are ran in places all over if you look around.


It's just a common sense thing. We have let society completely dumb down and those dumb people are breeding more dumb people and common sense has gone out the window. A license is not the answer IMO, but a minimum age would be good. It won't stop kids from flying them but at least that way the parents can be held accountable when the kid hurts someone.



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