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Quad / Multicopters


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Anyone got any of these?


I bought a Hubsan X4 a while ago, I got the upgraded model with a camera and it's absolutely brilliant, I love it. 





The upgraded model with camera, spare props, extra batteries, and a bumper frame cost me £50 off Amazon. It's by far the most fun toy I've ever had. Don't be fooled by the size, it's very much an outdoor model. The controller has a range of about 100m so you can safely fly it as high and as far as long as you can see it. 


This was recorded with the same model as mine:



Speed demo:









Can't recommend them enough. If you're a father / uncle then this is hands down one of the best Xmas gifts money can buy, and if you're a grown up like me, then it's also one of the most fun things you can do with your clothes on. 


This is the kind of thing I'd like to be doing at some point:



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My daughter (4) has been talking about how she wishes she could fly for about a year and a half now.  She has seriously been upset about the fact that she can't.  She said she has had dreams that she can fly.  She wants to be a pilot.  I think I might get her something like this for Christmas.  She's probably too young to use it w/o screwing it up, but it would sure make her happy.  


I wouldn't mind having one too.  It looks like a lot of fun.  




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They can be had pretty cheap Tommy, but the Hubsan above is the best entry level model as it allows you to do all the tricks and stuff of the bigger models. It has all the features, the remote confused the hell out of me at first, and parts are cheap. Like stupid cheap.


The beauty of this is that everything can be done fairly cheap. A transmitter and receiver are a bit pricey but that you can carry across as many models as you want. A flight controller is also fairly cheap. It's a great hobby and one I intend to take to the next level fairly soon.


Have another vid, put captions on for English:





These guys are all flying FPV, so they've got a camera mounted to their quad and are flying from that. They're not looking at the choppers at all.


If your daughter wants to fly, then save up for an FPV quad and give her a second helmet to view from. Give her a dummy remote and keep an eye on her hands and do the flying. Guaranteed she'll love it :D


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That racing video was amazing!  Holy shit, I want to do that so bad now!  Wow.  I'm seriously blown away.  That's freaking awesome.  


Yeah, this all looks a bit much for a 4 year old, lol.  I love your dummy remote idea.  That worked with my 2 year old son with Nintendo Wii for 1 or 2 session, but he caught on quick, haha.  




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Those are cool as hell. I want one now! :lol: Just have to remember not to fly it close to anything that might get me arrested. A local guy got busted for flying one around a Doctors office. People were undressing/undressed and from what the reports suggest he was peepin' and creepin' through the windows with it.


One question I have is on the controls. My buddy has a small RC Helicopter with almost the same controller as in the Instructions: video and it's not easy to keep aloft since the controller isn't very well made. You always have to keep some level of pressure on the stick and know where the dead zone is or it plummets to the ground. Wondering if they are as hard to control?


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One of my good friends has these, he puts go-pro's on them. I can link his videos if you want they are amazing

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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That's the one!


A few things to consider:


Will he use the camera at all? It's a MicroSD slot on the copter itself, with an on / off button which toggles recording. Press to record, press to stop. Thing is, the model without the camera has an abundancy of spares (and he's going to need them, trust me!). You can get the parts for the camera model, but they're a bit harder to find and a bit pricier. The motors on the camera model are more heavy duty and a different size so the non-camera ones won't fit. Same for the battery. There's also a bumper for the non-camera one which doesn't fit the camera model. 


If you want the camera model then go for it, but if you think the camera might go to waste, it's probably better going for the non camera model. 


Also, how old is he? You or his father or someone will probably have to be with him for the initial setup, as you need to calibrate the controller to the copter itself. It's not hard at all, just that if you mess it up, up can mean down, left can mean right, etc etc. Once it's all set up, you just use the trim on the controller as you would any other RC model. 


Basically, make sure that any parts you get are for the H107C. The C is very important, that's the camera model. There's also an H, and a few others. 380mah batteries at least, these last for about 4-5 minutes of flying, but you can get bigger ones. A pack of 5x 380mah cost me about £6, so cheap as chips really. 


If you need any other tips, let me know. More than happy to help :)



Oh, one more thing. The model had a refresh a few months ago, the way to identify the new from the old is the controller. The new ones don't have an antenna sticking out the top, like this:




The old ones DO have an antenna:






Get props. Get LOTS of props. Oh and go outdoors with it. You can fly them indoors but these babies can do some serious flying with a bit of space :)


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Yeah the camera is actually the main reason I'm gonna get it for him. He's a "techie" so I think being able to record some video at altitude is going to be something he will enjoy. I'll grab him some extra props and start looking for some other spare parts for it as well that way he'll have some spares for as he's learning to fly it. He's 20 yrs old now (that makes me feel old lol).


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