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Your DVD/Blu-Ray Collection


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Exactly what it says on the tin people, just list what ever you have, even the one's you're ashamed of!



Lord of the Rings trilogy

Batman Begins

Batman, The Dark Knight

Batman, The Dark Knight Rises

The Avengers



The Prestige

The Fall

The Mask

Sin City

The Cabin in the Woods


Snow White and the Huntsman

Seven Psychopaths 




IP Man

Inglorious Bastards

Pans Labyrinth

Black Sheep

Harry Potter Collection


The Raid


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs


House of Flying Daggers



District 9



Naruto Film 1-3

Dead Leaves


I think that's all of them, i've got more DVD's back at my parents house but can't remember what they are. I'm hoping you guys can inspire me with some new films.



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Dude if I start jotting down all my DVDs I'll be here in 6 months time. I've actually boxed a load of them and shoved them away, it was getting too much. I'm working today, tomorrow, sunday, then mon / tues / wed night, then I'm off for 4 days. I'll probably spend all four of those days drunk and masturbating furiously, I'm so fucking fed up with numerous things at the moment it's not even funny.


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Well it's my birthday weekend next weekend so we'll link up for some drinks :)


We could take our ladies out for some lunch or something, nothing mental just a guuuuud time. You can rant all your work shiz at me if you need to lol


Hope you're good man, peace



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I would Rich, but I can't be arsed to do it. I jumped on the DVD bandwagon at launch and I've got quite a stockpile. Funny thing has happened to me though in that I no longer watch TV or movies. Don't know why, just stopped caring to. I might watch 4 to 6 movies in a year and less than ten hours of television. What's wrong with me?

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Ok well this was a fail thread, I blame Euan!

Maybe your favourite film thread would be better, was interested in people's collection but that's probably asking a lot. I know Dave (diddums) has an insane collection



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How come you didn't like Up?

I'm the same as Jason, probably my favourite Pixar film. The work that went into it was immense and I really enjoyed the story. It's not often a random old dude can become friends with a little boy and not get arrested lol



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You don't like Up? Love that movie, probably my favorite Pixar film.

I could do without the 60 minutes of lamenting. The other 36 min were ok. I'm surprised that movie hasn't been found playing on large monitors around a mass suicide pile of rotting corpses.


If thats your favorite Pixar movie you have incredibly odd taste.


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Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows part 1


Star Trek (2009)

Pineapple Express


Paranormal Activity (1)


The princess and the frog (Disney (fantastic))

Alice in Wonderland (not the animated)

I only ever buy them when I see them less than a fiver. Hence the solitary Harry Potter hahaha


Waaaaay too much to name. My favourite is my Spirited Away. I'd take a picture but she got them in the split and it would take days and numerous buses to get them all transferred down here xD


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The Dark Knight Trilogy

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Toy Story

Toy Story 2



The Mighty Ducks Trilogy (If that's what you wanna call it)

Wayne's World

Wayne's World 2

The Mask


Corpse Bride

Lords of Dogtown

School of Rock

Red Eye


These are the only movies I've ever bought.


I really wanna get the whole collection of Smallville though. I love that TV show. I'd have to get 1-4 for DVD and 5-10 in Bluray. Since the whole series isn't bluray.  <_<


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I've scaled back my collection a lot. We need room for the kid so I sold most of my DVDs. Had about 1000 total and cut back to 100 or so. Probably have 75 bluerays. Only buy movies now I know I will watch more than once

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I've scaled back my collection a lot. We need room for the kid so I sold most of my DVDs. Had about 1000 total and cut back to 100 or so. Probably have 75 bluerays. Only buy movies now I know I will watch more than once

You're a movie nut!  I have about 20-30 DVDs.  I quit buying them because I rarely watch them again.  Only a few ever get watched 3+ times (The Big Lebowski, Dazed and Confused, Predator).   




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